Chapter 21

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I woke up the next morning. I was really tired. I immediately went into the bathroom. I shut the door and tried not to wake Meredith up. I turned the shower on and got in. I started washing shampoo through my hair. I used the shampoo and made my hair spiky. I went away from the shower and sat down on the floor in the corner of it. The water was hitting my feet. I brought my legs up to my chest and put my head into it. I started tearing up. I scooted down and laid my back on the cold tile. I let the water hit my body. It was hard to explain, but it felt good. I laid there for about half an hour. I got up and washed the rest of the shampoo out. I put conditioner in and smoothed my hair down. I rubbed my hands through it and washed it out. I washed my body and got out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist and grabbed some hair gel. I curled my hair with it. I washed my hands and grabbed shaving cream. I put it on my stubble and started shaving. I shaved and put after shave on. I put deodorant on and walked out of the bathroom. Meredith was still sleeping. I dried the rest of my body and put boxers on. I grabbed shorts and a t shirt. I put them on. I grabbed the baby monitor because Lexie started crying. I quickly turned it off. I walked out of the room and went upstairs. I went into her room and she was laying there crying.

"Shhh it's okay" I whispered walking over to her.

She was hungry. I picked her up and started making funny faces at her. She started smiling. She had really thick curls. I'm going to have to teach her how to handle them. I brought her downstairs and grabbed some of Meredith's breast milk from the first. I grabbed a baby bottle and poured it in. I heated it up and shook it. I put it in Lexie's mouth and she started eating it. She put both of her hands to try to hold the bottle. It was adorable. I walked with her upstairs and went back in the room. She finished her bottle and she had milk on the side of her mouth. I grabbed the bottle and put it onto her dresser.

"Was it good" I said tickling her stomach

She started laughing and I started laughing with her. I burped her and gave her a little bath. I dried her off and changed her. I put her into a yellow onesie and matching socks. I started messing with her hair. I put a little bit of gel in her hair to make it more curly. She loved me messing with it. I brought her downstairs and she laid in my arm. I went into Meredith's room.

"Mmmm" she said grabbing a pillow

She put it over her face. I grabbed the pillow and hit her with it

"Ow" she laughed

She looked at me and Lexie. She held her hands out and I handed her Lexie. I started smiling.

"Do you want to go out for breakfast" I asked

She started cooing at Lexie and Lexie started giggling

"Yes" she smiled

I walked over to them and kissed both of their heads. I walked out of the room and went upstairs. I went into baileys room.

"Hey get ready. We're going out for breakfast" I said

He nodded and I shut the door. I went into Zola's room and told her the same thing, along with Ellis. I went back downstairs and Meredith walked out of the room with Lexie. I started smiling. I walked past her and went into the bedroom. I put tan pants and a black button up shirt on. I buttoned the shirt and grabbed my sunglasses. I walked out and Meredith was outside.

"Kids let's go" I yelled

I heard them come out of their rooms and they started walking down the steps. I walked them out and they went into the car. I shut the front door and locked it. I went into the drivers seat and Meredith shut the back door. She sat next to me in the passenger seat. I put my sunglasses on and pulled out of our driveway. We drove about 30 minutes away and went into a breakfast cafe. The kids had school in 2 hours. We sat down in a booth inside. Mer and I ordered French toast with bacon and eggs. The kids ordered different kinds of waffles. Lexie was in her baby carrier next to me. She was awake. I held her little hand and rubbed it, so that she would go to sleep. Zola was sitting next to me and Mer and the other kids were sitting across from us. Lexie finally fell asleep and they brought us our drinks.

"So are you guys excited for school" I asked

"Yes we are going on a field trip today" Bailey said

"Me too" Zola laughed

"I get to paint" Ellis smiled

I started smiling

"That sounds fun" I said

"What are you and mommy going to do with Lexie" Zola asked

I started laughing and looked at Mer.

"We're probably going to hike with her for a little bit" Mer smiled

"I didn't agree on that" I smiled and mouthed to her

She made a face at me. I almost spit my coffee out. I wanted to laugh.

"That sounds fun" she smiled

"Yeah it does" Mer said

We finished our food and left. I helped the kids get into the car and we started driving to their school. We dropped them off and headed home. We got home and I grabbed Lexie's baby carrier. We walked inside and Meredith went into our bedroom. I followed her and put Lexie down. She took her shirt off

"What are you doing" I asked

"Come on. Get ready" she said grabbing a tank top

"Wait woah. I thought you were kidding" I said

"No" she laughed

She changed into shorts

"Can we just stay in bed all day" I sighed

She threw me shorts and one of me tank tops

"It's not so bad" she smiled

She picked Lexie's carrier up and left. I sighed and changed into the shorts and tank top. Meredith put Lexie in her stroller and I grabbed some waters. I put them under Lexie's stroller. We walked outside and went across the street to a park across some trees. We went through the trail on the other side of the park that was in the woods. We started walking up it.

I'm still shocked from that promo🥺 and Debby Allen today. I THINK ITS THE END PPL😩😩😩😩 I can't take this. She said 17x13 is supposed to be 'better than we think' I'm crying😖🥺

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