Chapter 56

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4 days later

We were leaving tomorrow. We packed and got everything ready. We left the hotel and went to a boat that was taking us scuba diving. We parked and went to the boat. We changed into wet suits and the workers helped us get our scuba diving stuff on. We went to the middle of the ocean and Mer and I got ready to dive in. I held my nose and jumped into the water. Mer jumped in after. We swam down to the stingrays. They were so peaceful. We swam with the fish and started taking pictures. We saw a bunch of sea turtles. The ocean is amazing, until the deadly creatures come out. I saw a bunch of orcas coming. This was our time to leave. Mer didn't see them. I grabbed her hand and brought her up to the surface. We got back onto the boat. She took her mask off.

"What was that for" she said as her body was soaking wet

"Orcas were coming. It wasn't safe" I said

Someone brought us pina coladas and we started drinking them. We spent almost the whole day out on this boat. We went back to the hotel at about 8pm. We got dressed for our last dinner that we're having here. We went to a fancy restaurant and sat at our table. There wine looked really good. I ordered a bottle.

"Have you talked to the kids" she asked

"No, have you" I asked

"No" she said

"Wow. We are terrible parents" I smiled

"We are" she smiled

"So what was your favorite part about this trip" I asked

"The sex" she admitted

"Wait- I mean swimming on the beach" she laughed

"Too late. You already said it" I laughed

"What about you" she asked

"Honestly the same thing- the beach of course" I smiled

"Sureee" she smiled

The waiter came back with our wine. He poured us both glasses. We ordered our food and he left.

"So I have a big question" I said

"What is it" she said taking a sip of her wine

"Do you want more kids, like we can adopt or something" I asked

"We have-" she said counting on her fingers

"3, 4, 5 kids. We have 5 kids Derek. That's more than enough" she said

"Okay, it was just a question" I said drinking my wine.

We talked for a little bit and our food came out. We started eating. We finished and paid. We left the restaurant and went back to our room. We put our pajamas on and cleaned ourselves up. I laid in bed and fell asleep. I was exhausted. I woke up from my amazing sex dream in the middle of the night. It was still dark outside. Mer was sleeping. I kept nudging her arm. She finally stirred awake.

"What" she said groggily as she opened her eyes

"Can I have a blowjob" I said taking my blanket off

She turned around and looked at me. She looked down at my pants.

"No" she said

"Please. I really need one, it hurts" I smirked

"Then do it yourself" she said

"It's not the same" I said

"Well go to sleep and don't wake me up for something stupid" she said turning around.

I started kissing her cheek and put my leg over her. I started grinding against her back.

"Derek mmm I said no" she moaned

I pulled away and took my leg off of her. I felt really uncomfortable. All I want is her mouth.

"I need you" I whispered pulling my pants down a little.

She turned over and looked at me. She went under the blanket and put it over her. She hovered on top of me. I felt her pulling my pants down. She took my penis out of my boxers and slid my boxers off. I felt her lick my tip

"Mmm Mer" I groaned

She took me into her mouth. She started bobbing her head as she deep throated me. I bit my lip, trying not to moan. I put my hands on the back of her hair and arched more into her mouth. I felt my tip hit the back of my throat. I started thrusting with her movements. She stopped and let me control her. I thrusted faster and started hearing her gag. She started massaging my balls and I slowly let go of her hair. She kept a steady movement on me. I gripped the sheets and released into her mouth. I was out of breath. I took the blanket and lifted it up. She looked at me and she had my cum all over her mouth. It was so hot. She wiped her mouth

"You happy now" she said rolling her eyes

She got off of me and laid next to me

"Yes. Thank you" I said as my breathing started to normalize.

She turned around, not facing me. I put my hand on her hair and started playing with it until she fell asleep. I finally fell back to sleep. I woke up in the morning and it was 10am. I turned over and Mer wasn't there. I got up and put my clothes on. I grabbed our suitcases and brought them out of the room. I went to the lobby and left the hotel. I put them into our rental car. I went back into the hotel and went up to the room. Mer was there.

"Where did you go" I asked

"I grabbed breakfast" she said handing me a plate

We both started eating. We finished and I walked over to her. I kissed her lips.

"You owe me for last night" she said

"Oh definitely. I can't wait" I smiled

We walked out of the room and dropped our key cards off at the front desk. We went to our car and got in. We drove to the airport and grabbed our bags. Our flight leaves in 20 minutes. We walked in and went through security. We ran to our plane that was on the other side of the airport. We made it and boarded. We went to our seats. I had the window seat. I put our carryons up and sat down. Mer sat next to me. I put the armrest down and wrapped my arm around Mer. She rested her head onto my shoulder. She put her blanket around us.

So no more kids🤷‍♀️

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