Chapter 9

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1 day later

I woke up from a dream I had of Meredith and I having sex on the beach. I was really energized. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I kept my little stubble. I walked out of the bathroom and went over to mer who was asleep. I got into the covers and turned her over. I put her body against my front. She buried her head into my chest. I held her until she woke up. She looked up at me and I smiled.

"How was your sleep" I asked

"Good what about you" she asked

"Really good" I smiled

I leaned down and kissed her lips.

"So I was hoping you could cut my hair" I said

"Really" she asked

"I mean I'm a little nervous, but yes" I smiled

"I will do that and don't be nervous" she said

"Ugh I love you" I said kissing her lips

She buried her head back into my chest

"Love you too" she said

She kissed my chest and got off the bed. I sighed and turned to face down. I wrapped my arms around the mattress.

"Get up. Don't be a baby" she smiled

She slapped my ass

"Oh" I smiled

I turned over and got off the bed. I went over to Meredith and grabbed her waist. I pulled her into me and kissed her lips. I let her go and she smiled. She turned around. I followed her into the bathroom. My hair was still wet. I pulled a little chair up by the sink. I sat down and Meredith was holding the scissors behind me. She was fluffing my hair out.

"I'm going to trust you" I smirked

"I hope so" she laughed putting her chin on the top of my head.

She kissed the top of my head and took hers off mine. She grabbed the sides of my hair and started cutting. I closed my eyes and let her work. After about 30 minutes she started talking again.

"You're done" she said

I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror. I started messing with my hair. It was perfect. I still had my fluffy hair, it was trimmed perfectly. I ran my fingers through it.

"Wow you did good" I smiled

She put her hands on my arms. She started squeezing them a little

"You've been working out" she said

"Hmm ya I've been waiting to try things on you" I smiled thinking about my dream

I saw her blush in the mirror

"I- um- I'm leaving now" she laughed

I started laughing as I watched her walk out the door. I decided to go into the basement in the workout room. I put my tank top and shorts on. I walked downstairs to the basement and went into the glass room. I started stretching for a bit and got on the treadmill. I went 17 mph. It was fast. I kept running on it and saw Bailey run down the steps. I slowly turned the treadmill down and grabbed my cold towel from the fridge. I wiped my face and put it around my neck. He came into the room

"Hey buddy what's up" I said bending down to his level

"Can we do stuff together today" he asked

I realized he just wanted to spend time with his dad. I felt bad because i haven't been giving him that much attention lately.

"Yes that sounds fun. Go get dressed and we can have fun after" I told him

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