Chapter 18

315 17 11

1 month later

Lexie has gotten really big. I was feeding her and she fell asleep. I burped her and put her in her crib. I went downstairs to the quiet house. Meredith and the kids were sleeping. It was only me. I decided to clean the living room quietly because I got bored and I know Meredith will love this. I finished cleaning the downstairs and went upstairs. I put the toys in the kids play room away. I went back downstairs and started making breakfast. I made eggs and toast. I put everything on low because everyone was still asleep. I went into Mer's room and her naked body was laying face down. She had a pillow over the back of her head and the blanket was around her waist. Last night we were crazy. I pulled the blanket up and went on the other side of her. I laid next to her and went on my phone. After awhile she stirred awake. She turned her head to me and I looked down.

"Hey" I said kissing her lips

"Why are you up so early" she said

"You don't know what time it is" I smiled kissing her lips again

"I get up at 8am every morning" she said

"It's 9" I smiled

"Ughhh" she said putting her face into the pillow again

She got off the bed and went over to the dresser.

"Wow" I said looking at her body

"Stop" she laughed

She grabbed panties a shorts. She put them on. She grabbed a bra and one of my t shirts. She put them both on as well.

"I made breakfast" I smiled walking over to her.

I looked her up and down.

"Don't do that" she smiled tapping my chest and walking to the bathroom

"What" I said

"Looking at me like that" she said

I started laughing. I walked out of the bedroom and went up to the kids room. I went to Bailey's first. He was awake.

"Hey do you want to come down for breakfast" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"Ok go down there I'm gonna grab your sisters" I said

I went into Zola's room and her and Ellis were playing dolls.

"Hey" I said

"Hey dad" Zola said

"You guys come downstairs for breakfast" I told them

"Ok" Ellis said

I walked out of the room and went to Lexie's room. She was still asleep. She was so adorable. I was watching her. I picked her up because I couldn't help it. I swaddled her and held her in my arms. I started swaying with her.

"Derek" Meredith quietly snapped

I looked up

"Are you coming" she said

"Oh- ya" I said swaying Lexie more

"Give me the baby and go downstairs" she smiled

I sighed and kissed Lexie's head. I handed her to mer. I left the room and went downstairs. The kids were eating at the table with their orange juices. I grabbed my plate and cup of orange juice. Mer came down the steps. I sat at the table with the kids and waited for Mer. She sat next to me and I started eating.

"So how are you guys liking your school" I asked the kids because they were enrolled into a private elementary school 2 weeks ago

"It's boring, but I might try out for the soccer team" Bailey said

"Yeah I like the chess team. Their really nice" Zola said

"We draw a lot" Ellis said.

I started smiling.

"Zola you-" I smiled

"I loved chess when I was your age and it's going to be really fun for you. Bailey you should see if you like it because ice hockey is wayyyy better" I laughed

Meredith started laughing

"And Ellis I really want to see some of your paintings" I smiled

"When is Lexie waking up. I want to show her my new toys" Bailey said

"Soon" I smiled

"Ughhh I need a brother" He said

I looked at Mer and she looked at me. She smiled awkwardly. I started laughing.

"1 day maybe" I said to him

"Lexie should be it. No more" Zola said

"Yes" Meredith smiled

"I want to play with my toys" Ellis said

"You can go" I smiled

She nodded and left. She went upstairs.

"Can I play with them too" Bailey asked

"Yeah me too" Zola said

"When you guys are done with your breakfast. Ellis ate her's" Mer smiled

We all finished our food a couple minutes later. The kids were upstairs and I was doing dishes. Meredith was next to me

"So a brother" I smiled looking at her

"Don't even think about it" she smiled drinking her water

"I mean" I smirked

"Mmm no" she laughed

"Mmhm" I smirked

"Derek I mean it" she joked

"Sure you do" I said

"Well at this moment" she said walking away

"Oh so you're thinking about it" I said

"I don't know. Maybe. We just had Lexie" she said

"I know, but we're still pretty young. We have awhile" I said

She turned and looked at me. She rolled her eyes and laughed

"I hate you" she laughed

"Sure" I said smiling

I cleaned the rest of the dishes and went into my bedroom. I changed into swim trunks and a tank top. I walked out and I watched Mer look at me.

"Wow you are stronger now" she smirked

"Mmhm" I smiled

I went upstairs and went into Ellis's room. The kids were in there.

"Do you guys wanna go to the beach" I asked

"No" they said

"I- okay" I said a little hurt

I walked downstairs and went over to mer.

"I'm going into the ocean" I said

"Okay" she said

I kissed her lips and grabbed my sandals. I put them on and walked outside. I walked down the steps to the beach next to us. No one was here. I went down to the ocean and took my sandals off. I jumped into the ocean and swam far out. I felt something take me. I couldn't swim out of it. I went under. I tried hard to swim and breath. I swam diagonal and tried to get out of this riptide. It was too late. I got sucked under.

Meredith's POV

I heard screaming and ran outside. I left the kids. I ran down to the beach and saw Derek swimming. He got sucked under. He didn't come back up. I quickly swam to look for him and got caught in the riptide. I found him and his body was heavy. I grabbed his boxers and pulled him with me. We finally got out of the riptide and I pulled him to the shore. I grabbed my phone and quickly called 911. I started CPR. He wasn't breathing.

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