Chapter 36

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I got up the next morning and got ready for my day. I went downstairs and made a cup of coffee. I was the only one up. I went back upstairs with my coffee and walked out to the balcony that was in Mer and I'd room. It looked over the lake. It was beautiful. I drank sips of my coffee and heard the door open. I felt her arms wrap around my stomach and her chest in my back. I drank more sips of coffee.

"I can get use to this" I whispered

"Mmm" she mumbled

I turned around and she let go of me. All she was wearing was a robe. I handed her my coffee and she took it. She took a sip. She handed it back and I put it on the railing of the balcony. I grabbed her legs and picked her up.

"Put me down" she laughed

I walked her over to the bed and laid her on it. I started kissing her lips

"What are you doing" she whispered

I untied her robe and looked at her body. I started sucking all over her stomach

"Morning sex" I whispered

"No. No" she said moving my head

I sighed and got up. I laid on her naked body.

"You're squishing me" she laughed

I lifted up a little and got comfortable on her. I wrapped my arms around my back.

"You're a tease" I whispered

"You did it" she said running her hands through my hair

"You started it" I said

"Sureee" she said

I looked up at her and started smiling. I put my hands on her stomach and started tickling her. We both started laughing.

"I better get some sex today" I said getting up

I went over to the balcony and grabbed my cup. I shut the door and walked out of the bedroom while she was tying her robe. I walked downstairs and put my cup in the sink. I started making waffles from my batter in the waffle maker. I made a bunch with eggs and bacon on the side. The kids were still asleep, so I made sure I left the food on low. I went upstairs and Meredith wasn't there. I walked to Haley's room. She was feeding her. She turned around and looked at me.

"Sorry. Breakfast is done" I said shutting the door

I went into our bedroom and laid on the bed. I heard Haley's door close. She was walking down the hall. I put my hands over my face.

"Are you alright" she whispered

"No" I sighed

I heard her walk over to me and she took my hands. She held them above my head and went down to my mouth.

"Tonight I'll make sure you get everything you want" she whispered grazing my lips.

She stood up and let go of my hands. I grabbed a pillow from beside me. As she was walking away I hit her with it. She turned around and started laughing. She walked over to me and I hit her with it again

"Give me that" she said taking the pillow

She kept hitting me with it and I grabbed her. I rolled her over on the bed, so that i was on top. I took the pillow from her hand and we both came down from our laughter. She put her thumb on my chin and held it. I looked up and down at her lips. She looked at mine. I moved in slowly and started kissing her lips. She started sucking on my bottom lip. She put her hand on my chest and pushed me back.

"We should stop" she whispered

"We shouldn't" I whispered going back down to her lips

I started kissing her and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I put my fingers in her pants. She moaned into my mouth

Derek and ReneeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang