Chapter 42

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I went upstairs. I took a quick shower in the guest room. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I forgot I didn't have any clothes in here. I opened the door and looked in the hallway. No kids. I quickly went to Mer and I's room. I walked in and changed into my sweatpants and a t shirt. Mer was awake. I walked over to her and felt her head. She was still warm. I bent down to talk to her.

"How are you feeling" I asked

"Terrible" she whispered

"Do you want anything" I asked

"You" she whispered shivering

I got up and laid next to her. She wasn't facing me. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it over us. I held her tight. She was freezing. She held her hands in mine. I put my legs on top of hers and tangled our legs together. She finally fell asleep. I got up and tucked her in. She still felt cold. I grabbed a heating pad from the closet that she uses for her cramps. I plugged it in and put it under her pillow. I kissed her head. I silently walked out of the room. I went into baileys room. He was sitting up watching YouTube.

"Hey are you feeling any better. Are you hungry?" I asked

"Not really and yeah I'm pretty hungry" he said

"Okay I'll make you some soup" I said

"Thanks dad" he said coughing

"No problem" I smiled

I walked out of the room and checked on Zola. She was doing good. I checked on Ellis. She was playing Xbox. I walked out and went to the bathroom. I washed my hands. I went into Haley's room and she was awake. I started smiling at her. I picked her up and started bouncing her a little. She kept giggling. I put her back into her crib and gave her a stuffed animal. She started playing with it. I left the room and checked on Lexie. She was taking a nap. I went over to her and tucked her in. I left and went downstairs. I grabbed a pot and put a bunch of chicken noodle soup into it. I was heating it up and I got a call. I answered it.

"Hello" I said

"Hi is this Dr. Derek Shepherd" a woman asked

"Yes" I said

"This is about your mothers will" she said

"Can you give me awhile. My families sick right now" I said tearing up

"Yes. We can give you a little bit, but we need to know" she said

I hung up the phone. I started taking deep breaths to try and hold my cries in. The soup heated up and I grabbed 4 bowls. I put soup in each. I grabbed 4 spoons and put them in. I grabbed 2 of the bowls and went upstairs. I gave them to Zola and Bailey. I went back downstairs and grabbed the other 2 I gave them to Ellis and Lexie. I went downstairs and poured another bowl. I started eating it. I don't know what to do about the will my mother made. I never thought it would have to come to this. I miss her so much. I felt tears falling down my face. All I wanted to do was curl up with Meredith. She always comforts me and I need that. I know she does too. I don't want to get Haley and Lexie sick, but I can't do this alone. Mer is my best friend and I need her right now. I ate the rest of my soup and grabbed a bowl full with soup for Mer. I went upstairs. I went into our room and she was awake. I put it on the nightstand next to her. She kept looking at me. I crawled into bed. We were looking at each other. I wrapped my arms around her and felt the heat of the heating pad. I held her close into me.

"What I you doing. You're going to get sick" she whispered hugging me back

"I know" I whispered

She rolled on top of me and was laying on my chest.

"If I throw up on you don't be mad" she said trying to laugh

"Should you get off of me" I smirked

"A couple more minutes" she said playing with my curls

"How's the kids" she asked

"The girls are fine, but Bailey's pretty sick" I said

"Aw I didn't know. When you leave bring him in here" she said

"Okay" I nodded

I leaned up and tried to kiss her lips. She put her finger on my mouth

"No" she smirked

"Fine" I smirked rolling my eyes

"How's Haley. I need to pump" she said

"She's been good. I fed her some formula" I said

She rolled off of me and grabbed something next to her.

"My breasts are about to explode. Leave please" she said taking her shirt off.

"When did you last feed her" she asked

"About 3 hours ago" I said

I started smiling. I left the room and waited a couple of minutes. I walked in and she put the 2 baby bottles filled with milk on to the nightstand. She put her pump next to her. She laid back out of breath. I went over and grabbed the bottles. They were warm. I went downstairs and put one into the fridge. I washed my hands and went back upstairs. I went into Haley's room and picked her up. She was half asleep. I put the bottle into her mouth. I went into our room and Mer was watching me.

"I want to hold her so bad" she sighed

I walked over to her and leaned Haley down.

"Ugh she's so beautiful" she said

"I know" I smiled

Haley was finally finished and I took her back into her room. I burped her and laid her in her crib. I put a pillow underneath her. I left the room and went back into Mer and I's room. She was eating her soup. This was a good sign because she hasn't been eating that much. I went to baileys room. He was sleeping. He had a little temp. I picked him up and put him in our bed. He woke up and turned around. He looked at Mer. He grabbed her leg and held it. He yawned and fell asleep. She looked up at me and smiled. I started smiling, but ended up tearing up.

"What's wrong" she whispered

I sat at the edge of the bed next to mer.

"It's my mother and sister. I can't deal with this by myself" I said looking into her eyes

She grabbed my hand and held it.

"I'm here for you no matter what" she said

Yalllll I'm running out of ideas for this story😭😭 they said 💡💥🏃‍♀️

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