Chapter 24

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I picked her up from the couch and carried her to the bedroom. I laid her on the bed and put the blankets over her. I left the room and went to the kids. I tucked all of them in. I went to Lexie's room. I kissed her little head and left. I went back downstairs. I went into the bedroom and got under the blankets. I held Meredith tight into me. I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning really refreshed. I was happy, the first time I've been this happy in a long time. I kept poking Meredith

"Whattt" she groggily said looking at me

"Wake up" I said

"I'm awake" she said opening her eyes

I leaned down and kissed her lips. I opened my mouth and she put her tongue down my throat. I rolled un top of her. I put my hands under her shirt and kept rubbing my hands up and down her body. She moaned in my mouth. I lifted her shirt off of her.  I broke away from the kiss and looked at her body. My mouth started drooling. I went down to her chest and started sucking on it. I put my hands behind her and took her bra off. I started licking her breasts. I soft carefully. I kissed down her body and slid her pants down. I put 2 fingers in her panties. The baby monitor started going off.

"You have got to be kidding me" I said angrily

"You're dressed, go up to her" she said

"She's probably hungry" I sighed

I kissed her lips and took the baby monitor. I walked out of the room and walked upstairs. I went into Lexie's room and picked her up.

"It's okay" I whispered rubbing her back and holding her by my chest.

I walked around the room with her until she stopped crying. I laid her on her changing table and changed her. I put her in a light pink onesie. She looked cute, it matched her black curls wonderfully. I put a little gel in her hair to make her curls curlier. I put little socks on her. I picked her up and went to Ellis's room. She was sleeping. I checked on Zola and Bailey they were all sleeping. I went downstairs and into my bedroom. Meredith was in the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the bed staring at the bathroom door until she came out. She walked out and she was naked. I covered Lexie's eyes.

"What are you doing" she said grabbing her robe.

"I didn't know you were naked" I said

She rolled her eyes

"Hand me my daughter" she said holding her hands out

She took her and sat next to me. I grabbed my phone. Lexie started latching onto Mer immediately. I started watching youtube.

"Ugh I'm bored" I said

"Bye" she laughed

I looked at her and kissed her lips. I got up and walked out of the room. I grabbed a granola bar and came back in. Lexie was asleep in Meredith's arms.

"Wanna go somewhere fun with the kids today" I whispered

"Yes they'd love that" she whispered looking up at me

She got up and walked out of the room. I took my pajamas off and put black dress pants on. I put a light pink button up that matched Lexie's. I buttoned it. I put white socks on. I walked out of the room and went to Meredith. She was in the fridge.

"How do I look" I said

She backed up from the fridge and looked at me up and down

"Sexy" she smirked

"You know tonight we are going to finish what we started this morning" I smirked

"Mmhm what was that" she smiled

I walked over to her and kissed her cheek

"Well I'd make you sore in then you'd definitely pass out when I'm done with you" I whispered sucking on her neck

"Mmm" she moaned

I heard feet running down the stairs. I backed up from Meredith and she tied her robe tight. I grabbed some strawberries

"Daddddy" Bailey yelled

"Hey" I said leaning down to him

Meredith smiled at me and walked back into the bedroom with Lexie

"Can we go to the movies today. There's a cool new Spider-Man movie that came out and I really want to see it" he said

"Yes we can. Go get ready and tell your sisters too" I said

He ran upstairs. I was going to make breakfast but I thought it would be better for us to go out. I put my strawberries back into the fridge. Meredith walked out of the bedroom wearing a red blouse and jeans.

"We're going to eat breakfast at the cafe down the street in then go see spider man" I said

"Alright sounds fun" she said eating an apple

The kids ran down.

"You guys ready" I asked

"Yes" they all said

"Ok go out to the car" I said

They opened the door.

"Mer" I said

"Yes" she asked

"I'm having really big baby fever" I smiled

"No you better keep your pants on" she smirked

"I know but I really want another" I said

"Derek we agreed that we would wait" she said looking down at Lexie

We started walking out the door. I shut it and locked it

"I know but it's just a thing that's coming to me" I said

The kids were in the car on their iPads

"I'm not ready for another. We just had her and I don't want 2 babies at the same time" she said

I sighed. She put Lexie in her car seat in the back. I went into the drivers seat. We all were in the car and drove to the cafe. I sat inside on a booth. Lexie was in her little carrier next to Meredith. I was on the opposite side of her next to Zola and Ellis. Bailey was by Mer. We ordered our food and drinks. I cut up the kids pancakes. We all ate and went back to the car. We drove to the theaters and got popcorn and drinks. We went into the theater room and sat down in the middle row. We got everyone situated and Lexie was next to me. She woke up. I took her out of her carrier and held her in my arms. The movie started. I didn't want her to cry or anything so I tried giving her as much attention as possible. I tickled her stomach and she started giggling.

"Derek" Mer said

I looked over to her.

"I'll be quiet" I mouthed

I looked down at Lexie and kissed her little face

"Your mommy isn't fun" I whispered

We watched all of Spider-Man. Surprisingly Lexie didn't cry or anything. We walked out of the movies and drove home. The kids ran in and went to their rooms upstairs. I brought Lexie to her room because this was her night time. I tucked her in her crib. I walked back downstairs. Meredith wasn't there. I went into our bedroom. The bathroom door was shut. I walked in and shut the door. She was taking a shower. I took my clothes off. I went into the shower. I put my hands on her waist and she tended up. She relaxed the back of her head and laid it in my chest.

"We aren't making babies" she whispered under the water

I started sucking on her neck

"We're practicing" I said kissing harder

I kissed her cheek.

"Practicing's good" I whispered

She turned around and I started kissing her lips.

Ughhh little cute chapter ig🥺🥺

But y'all needa stop with all the baby talk Mer just had one🙄🙄

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