Chapter 51

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I turned around and saw a little red ball that was formed from Mer's hand

"Mer what are you doing" I asked putting my hand out

"I don't know" she whispered

She held her hand up and something came out. She zapped me and I felt everything getting better. I started getting smaller.

"Derek" she said

It sounded so weird from down here.

"What happened" I asked

"You're tiny" she said

She picked me up and held her into my hand. We started talking about everything. I thought about something. It would make both of us feel better.

"Mer what can I do to make you want to do this" I asked

"Do what" she said

"Get into the mood" I smirked

"Um I don't know" she laughed

"I'm serious. I need to feel a little bit better. I'm not happy and this will help" i said

She walked over to the bedroom with me. She shut the door and locked it. She put me on the bed and started undressing. She laid in the middle of the bed and spread her legs. This was amazing. She took a rose looking thing out of a bag that was next to her. She turned it on and the vibrations shook the bed. She put it down to her clit and started vibrating it. She was moaning loudly. It turned me on so much. She put it near her folds.

"Meredith" I yelled

I couldn't take this anymore. She turned it off and I walked over to her folds. She grabbed me and put me inside of her. I started walking through and heard her moan. I started kissing everything inside of her. I sucked on the inside of her. I moved back and forth as she kept moaning. I looked on the outside of her and she was rubbing her clit. I started doing my job inside of her. She put the vibrations from the rose toy inside of her. I started moving with it and flew around her insides.

10 minutes later

Her walls started tightening around me. I held myself to try and stop them from coming too close. I kept running up and down. She started cumming and I saw a wave of liquid come down. I slid down it and got out of her. I went onto the bed. I was soaked. I started licking my whole body. She tasted so good. I went onto her leg and looked at her. Her eyes were closed and she was out of breath.

"Mer turn me back" I said

She opened her eyes and looked at me

"I'll try" she said out of breath.

She lifted her hand up and zapped me. I started growing. I finally grew back to normal and I was soaked. Everything was sticky. I got off of her and went into the bathroom. I quickly turned the shower on. I got in and started washing my body fully clothed. I undressed after I got everything off. I put my clothes on top of the shower to dry. I washed my hair and body thoroughly. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I dried my hair and shaved my stubble. I walked out of the bathroom. Mer was gone. I changed into blue checkered pajama pants and a white t shirt. I walked out of the bedroom. Amelia was still sleeping on the couch. I went over to her and checked her pulse. She was okay. I went over to the door that led to the kids room. I opened it and Meredith was playing Xbox with the kids. I started smiling. She looked at me and smiled. This made me a little better, watching my wife and our children, nothing could be better than her.

"Hey do we were waiting for you. Do you want to go down and eat dinner" she asked

"Sure. I have to change first" I said

"Everyone's wearing there pajamas there" she laughed

"Really" I asked

"Yeah they don't care" she said

"Okay then" I smiled

"Is amelia awake" she asked

"No. I'm going to see if she'll wake up" I said walking back into our room.

I went to the couch and kept tapping her.

"Amy wake up" I kept saying

She started waking up. She leaned over and grabbed the trash bag. She threw up. I started rubbing her back.

"We're going to get dinner" I said

"Get me Mac and che-" she said throwing up again

"Mac and cheese?" I asked

"Please" she whispered

"Okay" I said kissing her forehead.

I pulled the blanket over her because she started shivering. I went into the kids room and everyone got up. We walked out of the room and went to the elevator. Mer handed me Haley. I held her in my arms and we went down to the lobby. We went to the restaurant that was across from the lobby. We sat down at a booth. We all grabbed our menus and started looking. It was a burger place. Bailey and Zola were sitting next to me. Haley was sitting in her little baby carrier next to me. She was sleeping.

"Do you know what you want" I asked Meredith

"Not really" she laughed

"I do" Bailey said

"What" I asked

"Chicken tenders" he said

"Do you" I said poking zola

"I want a hamburger" Zola said

"What about you Ellis" I asked because she was sitting next to Mer

"I don't know" she said

We all finally decided. The waitress came back and we started to order. I got a beyond burger because it sounded pretty good, it was plant based. We all ordered and started talking. The kids were playing on our phones. Zola and Bailey were playing with mine. Ellis and Lexie were playing with mers.

"So about today. I liked it but it was too much work" I said

"I see that. The greens weren't done that much" she smirked

"Okay so we should try a different recipe" I said

"Yeah we should. Maybe just normal and not changing the spices to it" she said

"Mmhm" I smiled

"Well normalish" I said

She started smiling. We kept talking for a little while until the food came. We all started eating and I bit into this burger. Honestly it was pretty good. I kept eating it. I ate some French fries. About an hour later we were all done. I grabbed a order of Mac and cheese for Amelia. We started walking to our room. The kids went into there room and we went into ours. I put Haley into her little bassinet. Amelia was watching tv in the living room. I gave her the mac and cheese. She started eating it. Mer was taking a shower. I sat next to Amelia.

"So Amy, we leave tomorrow and I'm going to come with you to your AA meetings for awhile" I said

"Okay" she said tearing up

She kept eating her food. I got up and went to the kids room. They were all in bed watching tv. The lights were off.

"Did you guys brush your teeth and put your pajamas on" I asked

"Yesss" they all said

I tucked them in and shut the door. I went back into our room and Amelia was taking a shower in her room. Mer was laying on our bed. I walked in and laid next to her.

"This was a crazy day" I said

"It was" she sighed

I held her hand and pulled the blanket over us

I have no idea what conversation they had to lead up to this😭😭😭

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