Chapter 6

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Im so sorry for not uploading :( I feel so bad about it but here ya go :) Sorry again

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the things in this chapter, it belongs to J.k. Rowling. This is just my version of what shes already come up with.


Chapter 6

I woke up the next morning feeling super lucky that we weren't caught by Filch, but also distraught. I now know that my father is after the sorcerers stone, I even know where the stone is hidden.... so doesn't that mean its my responsibility to keep the stone away from my father?

I highly doubt that anyone else knows that my father is here trying to get to the sorcerers stone. So I guess it is my responsibility to keep it safe... seeing as I'm the only one who knows. It's not like I can tell anybody either, I mean how do I explain that I am the daughter of Lord Voldemort, and I overheard my stuttering, pedophile of a professor chatting with said father about the sorcerer's stone? I just can't.

I can't believe all this! All I've ever wanted was to come to Hogwarts and have a supurb time. I never expected to be friends with the famous wizard Harry Potter (not that I'm complaining), have a crush on a freakin Slytherin (now, I may be complaining), find out that my father is a world known dark wizard who once tried to take over the world (now, I am definitely complaining), or that it is now my responsibility to keep the sorcerers stone safe because my freaky daddy is after it (I have every reason to complain). My thoughts of how Hogwarts would be have been warped. Urgh!

I curled into myself and snuggled into the blankets on my bed. I inhaled deeply trying to release some energy, before I got up reluctantly. There is absolutely no use in sitting here and thinking about all this, it's time for action. I will take on the responsibility. I will stand against my father. I WILL keep the sorcerers stone safe.

" Ava, you better get down here quickly... Ron is starving and he's getting cranky."  Harry said to me through my mind.

" Ok, ok, I'm coming."  I said.

I hurriedly got dressed, brushed my hair, and headed quickly down to the common room to see my friends.

"Its about time slow poke!!" Ron said sounding slightly aggravated.

Of course he's aggravated, I've kept him a few minutes late for breakfast. I mentally rolled my eyes at him.

I giggled at his response and started heading for the portrait hole. The others caught up with me and we walked silently to breakfast. To tired to make conversation.

"Soooo..." Ron said as we were nearing the great hall, " What do you think Malfoy will do when he sees we weren't expelled?"

I laughed and said " He'll probably turn three shades of red and whine about it."

" I hope he dies of a heart attack." Ron says bluntly.

We all laughed and walked into the great hall with smiles on our faces. My friends stood still for a moment or two looking at the teachers table hoping they were clueless about our late night outing during the night.

But I...I looked directly at the Slytherin table hoping to catch Draco's eye. Fortunately he looked over, he stared blankly at me for the longest time. His stare, is getting creepier. I couldn't get myself to look away. Then Draco blinked and looked over my shoulder at my friends. As I predicted his face turned extremely red and he tapped his dumb friends on the shoulder and pointed at us.

Him and his friends, which unluckily included Pansy stalked over to us.

"Uh-oh, incoming." Harry said somewhat amused.

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