Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to Harrypotter2727! Thank you so much for commenting on my last chapter! :) Enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own the material in this story, except for what I come up with.... the rest belongs to J.K. Rowling.

 Please vote and comment!!! I'll love you forever if you do!! lol :)


 Chapter 4,

 " Wormtail... This has to work... I need to see her... She has to be here when it happens, she needs to see me when I return, I need to get her on my side of the upcoming war." My father's raspy voice rang out in authority.

 " My Lord..... I-I'm sure she is on your s-side... She was quite fiesty and most like you when I was undercover at the school..." Wormtail said squeakily.

 " I need to make sure!!! I'm not taking your word for it!!" Voldemort shouted furiously.

 Wormtail shrunk away from my father with a slight bow and muttered " I'm sorry my lord."

 " You better be wormtail!! You better hope that Our little friend accomplishes in getting the boy and her.... if he doesn't I just may have to take my anger out on you. And everyone knows that you wouldn't be missed." My father sneered.

 Wormtail stood there and shook in fear. " I Know my lord."


 I thought over my dream as Professor Moody told us about how he would put us under the imperius curse today.

 The dream was much like my others... confusing... but there is no doubt that he was talking about me.... and possibly Harry.

 " I'm going to be putting the imperius curse on each of you, to demonstrate its power and to see whether you can resist it's effects." Moody said to all of us.

 " But... you said it's illegal Professor." Hermione said uncertainly as Moody cleared the desks away with a sweep of his wand. " You said that to use it against another human was..."

 " Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like," said Moody in a voice of finalty " If you'd rather learn the hard way... when someones putting it on you so they can control you completely... fine by me. You're excused... off you go."

 Hermione went very pink and muttered " I didn't mean that I wanted to leave."

 I smirked when Hermione blushed. Of course she would never miss a lesson, even if it was as disturbing as this one was going to be. Just the thought of my mom having to watch this curse... no... any of the unforgivable curses in effect gave me goosebumps... and not the good kind either. So I was a little wary of this lesson, even though I knew that he wasn't going to make us jump out the window to our deaths.

 Everyone took a seat on a wall. The Slytherins on one wall... while us Gryffindors were on the other... then the person in middle was the one that got imperiused.

 Moody began to beckon students forward in turn and put the Imperius curse upon them. I watched one by one as my classmates did the most extraordinary things under it's influence. Dean Thomas hopped three times around the room singing the national anthem... haha. Lavender Brown imitated a squirrel... which strangely fit her... she had bushy hair just like a squirrels tail... even moreso than Hermione's hair was in first year. Neville performed a series of quite astonishing gymnastics he would have certainly not have been able to do in his normal state, which was hilarious. And Draco... well.... he did some serious booty dancing that had the whole class on the floor... and I must say, I enjoyed it. Not one of them was able to fight against the curse. They only recovered from the curse when Moody removed it.

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