Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to enchanting13, thank you so much for commenting and voting on my last chapter :)

Disclaimer: I don't own the material in this story except for what I come up with. The rest belongs to J.K Rowling,

Enjoy!! Please vote and comment!!!


Chapter 3.

All morning Hermione kept giving me secret smiles that I had no idea what they meant. It was rather infuriating. Every time I asked her, she would just shrug and chuckle. Infuriating.

Today started off with Herbology. A subject I found rather boring. I didn't like having to garden and stuff, it just wasn't something that interested me. The only good thing about this class was that we shared it with the Slytherins... Draco. It made the class interesting.

Professor Sprout came in carrying the ugliest plants Id ever seen and put one in front of each of us. They looked like thick, black, giant slugs. I had a big problem with slugs. I'm not disgusted that easily. I can handle blood, I can handle farting plants and Ron's... but slugs.... uh no. Ever since I was a kid and stepped on a huge slug that was squished right under my bare foot.... I can't even look at slugs.

I also could remember putting on a brave face when Ron was barfing slugs in the 1st year, when inside I was revolted to get near him, but my fear for his well being made me approach him, that and my pure hatred for the Slytherins.

I tried not to cringe as she placed the plant in front of me. But she noticed.

" Have a problem, miss Wilson?" The professor asked amusedly.

" Professor...These things look like giant black slugs!" I said my voice layering thick with disgust and fear.

" They do indeed, is that a problem for you?" she said sounding even more amused as she gazed at my sickened face as I glared down at the plant.

" No, not at all." I said squeaking. A sure sign that I was lieing.

She chuckled and continued to put plants in front of the students.

" You afraid of slugs, Wilson." Pansy said nastily from beside Draco who was across from me.

" No!" I said to quickly and squeakily.

" Ahhh..." said Pansy with an evil glint in her eyes. " That's something I can hold against you."

" You just try, pug face!" I said turning green at the thought of her throwing slugs at me. It made me shiver in disgust.

When all the plants were handed out, Professor Sprout got to the point.

" Bubotubers, they need squeezing, you will collect the pus..." She said

" The WHAT!!!!!" I screeched sounding totally revolted

I could hear the chuckles from my amused classmates.

" Pus, Wilson, Pus." Professor Sprout said " And it's extrememly valuble, so don't waste it. You will collect the pus, I say, in these bottles. Wear your dragon hide gloves; bubotuber pus can do funny things to the skin when undiluted."

I gagged. I could see Draco looking extremlely amused from across from me.

I stared at the plant in loathing, as I pulled on my gloves and poked the sluglike plant. It felt squishy.

" Oh for heavens sake, just pop it already." Pansy said impatiently.

I looked up to see half the class watching my reaction as I was about to pop it.

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