Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own the material in this story, it belongs to J.K Rowling. I only own what I come up with.

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Chapter 2.

I sat at the table and strummed my fingers impatiently against it. Everyone around me was either pacing impatiently or fidgiting in their seats. Harry had left early today to go to his hearing. We were all nervous wrecks. We have been trying to act like we weren't worried, but in truth... we were.

I tried to get lost in my thoughts by thinking about something else.

I thought about Draco and how I shall see him in less than a week...I thought about how awkward it was when Harry apologized for his behaviour a few days ago... I also thought about the boggart that Molly tried to take down.

Mrs. Weasley had gone into the third floor library and tried to take out a boggart. But she wasn't able to do it. The boggart had transformed into the dead bodies of her children and of Harry and I. I had walked in with my parents when the boggart had changed into my dead body. It was frightning. My mom started to sob with Mrs. Weasley when she saw me. Sirius merely stared at the boggart in horror. I had to walk up to the boggart and get rid of it. I felt so bad for Mrs. Weasley, she was terribly embarrassed.

Right as I thought that the kitchen door opened and Harry walked in looking happy.

I automatically smiled at his happy expression. I knew he was going to be just fine.

" They let me free of all charges!" He grinned as he ran up to hug me.

I hugged him back and congradulated him while Mrs. Weasley said happily " I knew you would be fine, my dear, I just knew it! We should all celebrate!"

Everyone agreed wholeheartedly and helped Mrs. Weasley put up some decorations and cook.

While we were waiting for some of the order members to arrive to celebrate with us, Harry, Hermione, Ron and I went upstairs to hang out.

We weren't up there but for a few minutes when Ginny came running in with her hands cluching letters.

" They're in! Our hogwarts letters are in!" Ginny said enthusiastically as she shoved the letters into our hands and left to go take Fred and George their Hogwarts letters.

" Finally! I thought they'd never show up." I said.

" I know... I thought they'd fogotten, they usually come much earlier than this." Harry agreed from his seat on the bed.

I smiled and ripped open my letter to see the booklist, but I stopped when I saw something shiny sitting at the bottom of the evelope. I looked confusedly down at it.

" What in the world..." I murmured to myself as I reached to pick it up.

I analyzed it and looked at it. It was a badge, a prefects badge. I had forgotten completely that they picked prefects when you were in fifth year.

" Oh my gosh! I'm a prefect!" I shouted excitedly.

Hermione looked somewhat upset but then lightened up. " I'm so happy for you Aves!" She came over and hugged me tight.

I looked over at the boys to see if they were as surprised and as happy for me as I was, but they were staring in shock at the badge in Ron's hand.

Oh it couldn't be... who would pick Ron as a Prefect??? No offense to him of course... but he doesn't make the best grades.

" I thought for sure that they'd pick Harry." Ron said disbelievingly as he stared open mouthed at the badge.

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