Year 6 chapter 1

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Disclaimer: This is a fan fiction. I don't own some of the material in this story. I only own what I come up with.

Omg. I can't believe I'm already writing year 6! Daaaaang! It feels like only yesterday I was working on year one. :( It makes me sad knowing that I may soon finish this story lol. I'll feel so lost not working on it anymore. haha.

Anyway... Imma say the usual. Please vote and comment! PLEASE :) and thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy it :)


Chapter 1

I sat in Snape's hidden library and listened to his annoying clock tick over and over again....tick...tick...tick...tick.

There was no way I'd be able to finish a book with that going on, at least not right now. I closed the book loudly and pulled my legs over the arm rest of the soft chair and stared at the ceiling.


I sighed. I've probably heard half a million of those tiny ticks since moving in with Severus. My father let me stay with Severus since he's one of the most trusted death eaters. My father lets me visit him at Black manor every now and then...he's still slightly busy so I don't see him as much. It's fine by me, I don't really want to see the man that killed my mother at the present time.

I don't mind staying with Snape, Severus and I are on the same side....and Severus has taken it upon himself to keep me safe. He's still not very friendly... but he's fond of me. I can tell. He just has weird ways of showing it.

The only downside of living with Severus is that Wormtail lives here too. I take it upon myself to annoy and torment the guy. I still haven't forgiven him for putting me in a coma for 2 months. Excuse me if I'm being unreasonable.


Ahhh, the sound of time passing. So annoying, yet so refreshing. I tried not to think about how Sirius and my mom ran out of time. They were gone, I'd never see them again. I squirmed uncomfortably in my chair and tried to think of more happier Draco, or my friends.

I twisted my head to the side to stare at Severus. He got his nose in a book. No surprise, there's nothing else to do here besides read. I've probably read more than half of Flourish and Blott's own store just this summer. I know more information and more spells than I ever did in the past 5 years of Hogwarts. I wish I could actually go somewhere and have fun...I can only read so much.


" Severus...I'm about to throw your clock out the window." I said in a monotonous voice.

Severus looked up at me and aimed his wand at the annoying clock.

The clock instantly silenced and Severus raised his eye brow. " Better?"

" Much." I said as I turned to stare at the ceiling once more.

I let the silence sink in for a few minutes before it drove me crazy. I hate silence.

I sat up straight in Severus's arm chair and stared around the room desperately for something amusing to do, or look at. There was utterly nothing amusing about the room. The room resembled a dark padded cell. The walls were completely covered in books, most of them bound in old black or brown leather; a threadbare sofa, my old armchair that I'm sitting on, and a rickety table stood grouped together in a pool of dim light cast by a candle filled lamp hung above Severus's desk. The place had an air of neglect as though it was not usually inhabited.

It didn't help that I was dressed in all black to blend in with Sev and the death eaters. I don't mind so much the army boots that I wear over my black skinny jeans. I like those, but when I have to wear black tutu's and black fingerless gloves.... I feel like such a wannabe or something. It's so

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