Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to sakyfu512, thank you for urging me to update lol. I hope you like the chapter :)

Disclaimer: I only own the material that I came up with in this story. The rest belongs to J.K Rowling.



Chapter 7

I was in the arena, In a seat beside Hermione, and sitting behind Ron who was beside Seamus. But the person I was most tuned in to was Draco who sat with the normal Slytherins right behind me.

I tried to ignore the fact that they were there, but Draco's knee's kept brushing up against my back which caused me to feel butterflies. It made me well aware that he was there. As absurd as that sounds, I couldn't help it. The simplicity of that touch didn't matter, it still caused me too feel all fuzzy in the head like I've been short circuited.

" That was quite a show you put on for us a few days ago by the lake. It's a shame we didn't bring an extra slug so you could give us an encore." Draco said suddenly from behind me as he lazily tugged on my hair to get my attention.

I blushed. Not at the remembrance of the slug incident, but because he was touching my hair. I internally cringed. I'm becoming way to soft.

" It's a pity that Moody isn't here to turn you into a ferret, Malfoy... you looked good with four legs." I shot back, not looking at him. I knew if I did I'd probably stare.

I couldn't help it. Ever since I sat next to him at the feast where they introduced the schools. I've thought about him relentlessly. It was scary. I've even found myself staring at him in class, and I only realize it when he catches me or when Hermione throws a parchment wad at me. I really don't like it. I guess it's because I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that I like him. Alot.

" Yeah, pity he wasn't. Wouldn't want to miss a chance to make you smile." He smirked.

" Oh Merlin's beard. Please tell me you didn't just say that." Pansy said glaring at Draco.

" It's called sarcasm, Pansy." Draco said nonchalantly.

Hermione was grinning like an idiot at absolutely nothing.

" What are you smiling at?" I asked feeling astonished.

Hermione just started to crack up laughing.

I looked at her like she went crazy. " Why are you chortling!!!" I said louder so she could hear me over her cackling.

" Chortling?" Pansy said in monotone. " Gah, I'm surrounded by idiots."

I started to laugh like Hermione and suddenly I stopped when I realized that my BFF would be battling a dragon in a few minutes.

" Oh no... I need to see Harry!" Hermione said in a rush.

And just like that Hermione ran faster than I've ever seen her run, all the way down to the tent. I stared after her wondering why she went down there. Only the champions could go down there. Well I guess to see Harry, Merlin only knows how the poor boy is going to handle the dragon.

" I hope the dragon kills Potter off. No one but his freak of a girlfriend would miss him... well maybe Granger would too, but still he's better off gone. "Pansy said  to Draco.

" Excuse me, but I'd miss him too. He's my best mate." Ron said as he came up to sit by me.

" Excuse me, but this isn't your conversation, and besides you have been mean to him along with everyone else. it seems hard to believe that you'd miss him." Pansy argued.

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