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Feeling, Emotion

My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. The same building that was, only days ago, filled with smiling children, and elders having the last "best day" of their lives, was now quiet. It was late afternoon and the halls were mostly empty, aside from a few hospice residents and visitors scattered about as we made our way back to Roy's room.

Though my mother had died when I was young, I had never actually dealt with death before; not even second-hand. I didn't even have a friend who lost someone.

How am I supposed to feel?

Or act?

Yoongi's fingers locked with mine, squeezing gently, holding me firmly on the ground, keeping me from floating away. I took a deep breath and looked over at him, sighing.

"I know," he said quietly, a look of deep empathy in his eyes.

As we approached the cracked door, we heard a sweet melody being plucked on a ukulele.

"Hobi's here already?" I pushed forward, opening the door. Hobi sat at Roy's bedside, ukulele in his hands. He shook his hair out of his eyes as he lifted his head to greet us with a silent nod of his head and a somber expression on his face.

After a moment, I was able to catch up with my surroundings, panning the room. Taehyung and Jimin were already there, too, sitting on the loveseat along the wall, one on either side of Jane, sitting silently, their expressions mostly blank as they looked ahead at Roy. The room felt dark considering the time of day - the only light in the room cast through the windows from overcast winter skies.

I slipped my fingers from Yoongi's, moving forward to the opposite side of the bed from Hobi, gently tucking my fingertips under Roy's fragile hand, lifting it gently to warm his fingers between my palms. He didn't even look like himself anymore. His color had changed, his eyes closed.

"Oh, Roy..." I whispered, half-laughing, half beginning to cry, "Look at all of these people who love you. These are the children you've always wanted."

I turned and panned the room again, smiling warmly at everyone present as my tears began to roll. I noticed a familiar set of car keys sitting on the table near the door.

"Namjoon is here too?" I asked through my tears.

"Everyone is. The others stepped out to grab dinner for everyone." Hobi answered, continuing to pick through a soft instrumental arrangement of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on the ukulele.

"You called everyone?" I turned to ask Jane.

"I called Hobi and he said he'd get everyone together," she smiled.

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