Chapter 42: Troubled Minds

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Evan's POV

"Can I tell you something?" I had the urge to ask. Tyler stared at me and sincerely, he nods his head. Still, I don't know if that was reassuring enough. What I'm about to tell him is a lot to handle. "Of course you can," he calmly answers as he clutches onto my hand.

"I've...," I let out before stopping. The thought of telling him this is unreal and risky. I'm not sure what he'll do or say after this. "I've been hurt in so many ways you can't even imagine. Tyler, the first day, I was shot, the second was constant beatings, and those two days repeats for months apparently. Though, out of all the pain I've felt, the worst one was heartbreak."

I felt his finger flinch in my touch and when I looked at his face, he only stared at me with confusion. "What-...What do you mean, Evan?" Perhaps, it's because I've never talk to him like this before is why he is shocked. Or it could be because of what I'm about to say. Maybe, he already knows in some way.

"Tyler, you may leave after this but I have to say it to you because I care about you," I answer. "Somehow and in some way, I've developed feelings for Delirious."

In a millisecond, his hands immediately slipped away from mine and his mouth dropped open. Though, nothing came out. Tyler's reactions seemed to be a mix of disbelief and shock. In an instant, he puts his hands to the side of his face and sighs heavily. "How the fuck, Evan..."

"I know it seems bad but you should try to hear me out first," I lightly suggest, making it seem more positive than negative.

"Evan, I can't," Tyler lets out frustrated. "This is bad. Don't you see that?"

I felt my heart drop and I worryingly ask, "How so?" He sighs and lets out, trying not panic or be angry, "Evan, you are going to go to court, answering guilty against Delirious and as a witness who came out alive from his assaults. If people find out how you feel about him and how you want him alive, people are going to think you are an accomplice. They would all want you dead right beside him. A-And Evan, think about all the things he has done to you. None of that can be ignored!"

Again, my heart was breaking. "Tyler please..." He shakes his head and says, getting up from the bed, "No, Evan. This is the one time I can disagree with you because I only want the best for you. This isn't it. This isn't what's best." "Tyler, you have to listen to me! He's just simply misunderstood!"

His eyes shut and he immediately turns away from me, having his hands on his head. He's clearly going to lose it or yell. "Tyler!"

"Evan, I'm not going to listen to this shit! You are clearly not thinking straight and you probably need to speak to someone about this!"

I began to get angry. The fumes were steaming and I shout, "No, I'm not going crazy and I don't need help! I know what I feel and I just know you are being stubborn with me!" "Stockholm syndrome, maybe even D.I.D. No, not D.ID. That only means he has other alters and I've never seen a sign of that," he mutters under his breath and I only look at him in confusion.

"What?" I ask lightly.

"Stockholm syndrome! This all makes sense now! You are under the influence that you love him because you only communicate with him and only him!"

I was lost for words and I stutter, "I-I don't know what you are talking about, Tyler. I don't even know the meaning of 'Stockholm syndrome'." He chuckles weakly and kneels down in front of me. Gently, he grabs my hands together and says calmly, "It's when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. That bond can happen from days, to weeks, to suddenly months. You think you feel a genuine connection but it's just a psychological response that is based off of incoherent feelings."

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