Chapter 15: Disobeyed

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Evan's POV

I had my back leaned against the door lazily, waiting for Delirious to come back. For the remaining of my day, I fiddled with my fingers as I kept on waiting. My eyes lazily begin to close because I was beginning to feel tried again.

I let out a yawn and laid myself down on the cold ground. My arms were a sense of a pillow and the remaining of my clothes were my thin blanket. I frown as I thought to myself.

I had nothing and no one.

Not even a bug was there to greet me. I, Evan Fong, was all alone.

The thought came to my mind again that I was growing more alone every second. It drew nearer that someone was going to die because of me. "I'm taking someone you hold dear that you won't admit!" I heard his voice yelling at me in an echo that wouldn't fade.

My eyes become to close and I only thought of people being slaughtered. Tyler, Emma, or just anyone random.

I gripped onto the sleeve of my jacket and remained silent. His voice echoed and echoed through my mind and I couldn't get rid of it. All I heard was him and it was beginning to annoy me.

Soon enough, after drifting away, I fell asleep again.

Before I woke up, I kept in mind my dream. The dream I had was something bizarre. I was smiling like an idiot and laughing like a hyena. It was like I was having a good life. Tyler was there too and we were normal friends again. He seemed less worried about me and was proud that I stopped my rebellion. Emma was there with me, holding my hand and telling me she was happy to have a big brother like me. My step-dad was smirking, saying that he knew I would change for something better.

But, there was always something that could ruin it all. One negative thing or many.

I saw my mom in a distance with her arms crossed as she didn't dare look at me. If she even glanced in my direction, she was scoff in disgust. Everyone but her was happy and cheering for me.

As I was enjoying my time with the people I cared for, I saw him. He was watching me with a warm smile.

This guy I was talking about, I thought I knew who he was. Now, when I try to look at him, I can't tell who it is anymore. It left me curious, wondering who the guy was with a wide grin.

After that, I woke up again. I felt better than how I was yesterday. My hands could probably move as I reached for the doorknob again. This time, I didn't even try. I knew it wouldn't work.

My tongue ran across my bottom lips because I was still thirsty. I didn't drink anything this whole. I'm surprised I'm still alive and standing throughout all of this.

Silently, I waited and waited. I could nothing other than sleep and think. That's what I did for what I thought was days.

Until sometime after, the door opened and I fell backward. My head was rest on Delirious' shoes again and I looked up at him. Just as mysterious as ever, he didn't say a word to me. Under the one light, I still couldn't peek to see his face. That mask he wore, it covered him completely in and out. All I could see were his bright blue eyes but even they had a mystery to them.

Lightly and not roughly, he kicked the back of my head and gestured me to get up. It wasn't hard like before. I stumbled as I slowly got up but I managed. Standing on my two feet, I noticed the height difference between the two of us. He was definitely taller than me. About a couple inches though.

Out of his pocket, Delirious got out a packet of wires. They were thin but I saw the material of them. They were sharp and silver. "Metal?" I ask him. He didn't say a word back.

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