Chapter 17: Lost Mind

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Evan's POV

All I could hear was my own heart thumping fast. From their expressions by looking, Bryce still had a stupid smile on his face as he continued to talk. On the other hand, as I turn to look at Delirious, I could tell he was mad.

As he said before, Bryce was ordered not to harm or-...kill anyone. That person had to be Tyler though.

My whole body was sent down chills out the thought. Tyler. It was actually Tyler.

Tyler is dead because of me.

The same person who always followed close behind me to see if I was always okay. He always stood by me even when I pushed him away constantly, nonstop. Why him?

"You should have seen the sorry prick. He was kissing his little boyfriend before the whole boom boom," when Bryce said those words my eyes widen in a confused yet shocking way. My hands were away from covering my face as I started to look at Bryce.

"Boyfriend?" I ask him, with a crack in my voice.

Bryce continued to grin as his arms were crossed. "Surprisingly enough. I saw him actually kissing a dude. Funny yet the most shocking shit I've ever witnessed in my whole life." His expression never changed. He just seemed so giddy.

In denial, I completely and silently shake my head in disagreement. I went back a step away from Bryce and I bumped into the man behind me. With his hair still wet and the water drops going down the back of my neck, Delirious silently stood there.

His gaze sent out an aura around him. It seemed to be the one as to when I made the 9-1-1 call. It was something he wasn't expecting to happen and something he didn't want to happen. Just like in this scenario here.

But I ignored him as best I could when I turn back to the grinning bastard. Again, I shake my head and answer out, "No. Tyler would've told me he has gotten into a relationship. He's done it before even when I didn't care to pay attention."

Bryce raised an eyebrow and reached his hand out into his pocket. I watched his every movement carefully. Soon, he whipped out his phone and waved in my face. "Wow. But that's exactly it, Evan. You were never there to listen and focus on him ever. You only cared about your arrogant self." My hands clenched into fists deeply as I knew he was taunting me. His tongue slowly licked his bottom lip as he watched my expression.

"I have it all on video, Evan. Just say please and I'll show it to you," he replies in a whisper.

Continuously, he rocked the phone left and right in front of my face. I just silently watched as he did. As I thought of Tyler again, it just brought back guilt and pain. My body shivered not even knowing how he was doing when I'm gone. That guilt made me gulp dryly as I focused on Bryce, who had a cunning smile.

"I don't believe you," I still said in denial. It caused him to giggle like a hyena and he arched his back backward to laugh even harder. When he stood straight to stare at me, he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. "Oh, Evan. You really didn't give a shit about him, did you? You can't even shed a fucking tear for the poor guy!"

I heavily take a deep breath and didn't say anything. He was right. This whole time, knowing my only true friend is dead, I have yet to spill not even one tear.

"Fucker, you know I have never been on good terms with him," I say. "I've been avoiding him ever since the end of the first year of high school."

He leaned forward towards me, waving the phone still as he asked, in a whisper, "And why is that? No one has yet to know why." My mouth was sealed shut as I didn't say a word back.

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