Chapter 8: Long Difficult Drive

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Delirious' POV

It's been more than fourteen hours and 'Mr. Fong' has yet to wake up. The drive so far has been surprisingly easy. No one has tried to stop me or ask questions even when I was driving out of Los Angeles completely.

I felt a yawn come from my mouth. Looking around at the scenery, it is night time and I've been driving non-stop since from the beginning of the morning. To be honest, I haven't gotten sleep ever since I escaped. So, it's been two days so two days without proper rest. Thanks a lot, 'Mr. Fong'. You caused my life to get worse, but yet not completely.

Luke would've been better at this than me. The person Luke was strong, brave, courageous, smart, cunning, flirtatious, and mischievous. He did what he wanted and no one could possibly stop him. It makes me lucky to even someone like him as a brother in arms.

I felt my hands clench to the wheel of the car. My knuckles were hurting and were shading to the color white. It hurt because of the cuts on the palms of my hand while I was tossing the knife. Luke would be pissed if I ever did that in front of him. I've done it before, countless times. Yet, I was told not to do it again because it inflicted pain that wasn't needed.

"Are you insane?! Why would you do this to yourself?!" Luke always told me as he worried about me. I was one of the few people he ever gave a fuck about. Whenever I inflicted pain to myself whether it was on purpose or not, Luke knew immediately and would take care of me. Even though we are criminals, I'd say he was a better person than me.

Suddenly, I heard a soft groan whimpering out. Well, he's waking up. I breathe in heavily, knowing I would have to control my temper in order to deal with Fong. Luckily, I had my mask on already, preparing for this to happen eventually.

"I'm doing this for you, Luke," I whisper out towards the endless nothing.

"Who's Luke?" I heard the annoying voice himself muffle out. How in the fucking hell is he still talking? I seriously put duck tape on his mouth and I thought it would make him shut up.

"Don't let people get to you. It's not worth it and it's pointless." I heard Luke say from a memory. He always gave me advice about what to deal with people, especially hostages. I've known all I've got from him. I suck at it compared to him though.

I remained silent, just as Luke told me. I have to follow the plan and everything can go well.

"Hello? Earth to brain dead!" He began to yell out and I felt my blood boil. I hate people, mostly people like him. What made me rage is the fact that his voice is muffled but is still fucking loud.

"I'm going to take back the reward I gave you for talking. Now, you're not even doing it at all," Fong chatted out towards me. The tape isn't affecting him at all and it makes me pissed.

My body was tense. I knew my veins were popping from my head, neck, and wrists. How did Luke do interrogations like this? It's so fucking annoying to deal with people. If I was him, I would've given up after ten minutes and killed the person.

Can you see the difference between Luke and me now? I'm the psycho murderer- yet so is he, but Luke's more wise and strategic with the job. I on the other hand- well, I just do stupid shit. It makes me wonder why does he even hang out with me? Why go through the worry of dealing with an idiot who's only good at starting a riot?

I never understood Luke's choices, even now I don't.

"Are you going to answer my question?" Another question for Fong is: How the fuck is he not been starving or crying out to go to the bathroom? I think I haven't fed him at all or allowed him to take a shit. How is he fine and carefree with all the stuff I've been doing to him? He's not even complaining about the shot through his leg anymore!

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