Chapter 16: Unnecessary Kaboom

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A couple of hours before

Tyler's POV

The air was tense and still. At some moments during the drive, I would pan my eyes on Craig. To see what he was doing when I was driving. All he did was either read a book he brought with him or went on his phone.

Only at some points, Craig would talk to me. There were few words but it kept me from being bored. He asked me, 'Are you feeling well', 'Has your fever gone down properly', 'Do you want to take a small break. Every word he said to me was about me. It wasn't about him. Craig never asked if we can stop to get food, to take the rest stop for the bathroom, or to even ask to put on some music.

He's doing what he can for me.

It made me appreciate Craig even more by every second. My anger went up from him was almost gone as I continued to think about him. Sometimes, I felt something warm burning inside of me.

"Do you want to stop for anything," I ask him. He got surprised by that, causing him to jump a small bit. Silently, Craig just decided to only shake his head no.

"You sure? We have a couple more hours," I turn my eyes to the GPS and readout, "About four more hours. We can stop if you want to get something to eat or take a bathroom break at least." I was trying to sound more positive to make him more comfortable. Forcing a small smile and trying to be more friendly.

Again, he shook his head. Understanding his wishes, I decided to keep quiet.

"Thank you," I heard him say lightly. All I did was smile as I kept driving. Surprisingly, hearing his voice, kept me at ease. It was like being near the ocean on a calm day, hearing the waves of the crashing sea. Craig reminded me of the fresh air that hits your face so suddenly and you feel a sense of calmness.

No, thank you, Craig. For being the way you are.

"Hey, Tyler?"

There wasn't a stop to the road yet, so I couldn't focus on him like before. I didn't turn but I answered, "Yeah?" I was expecting him to speak up but he didn't. Nothing was said from him and I made me curious to look at him.

Looking for the nearest exit off the highway, I had my hand on the turn signal indicator. Once it made the clicking notice and when I turned right, I was able to look at Craig. His mouth was gaped open as he was startled by the fact we weren't on the highway anymore.

To the nearest parking space, I quickly drove towards it and parked my car sharply. It made an unpleasant noise but I didn't care. Immediately, I move my body to Craig and stare at him. "What's wrong?"

As I asked him that, he got frightened. Nothing came from his mouth as it was open. But he lightly shook his head as he mumbled, "It's nothing..." "Bullshit. Tell me now," I reply bluntly to him as fast as I could.

He didn't look at me, just was facing down. Having his hands clutched together tightly, Craig began to shake his head no again. "It's honestly just a question that I had."

I sigh as I relaxed in my head. Getting comfortable, I place my hands lightly with a slap onto my lap. Turning to Craig, I shrugged with my arms motion up. "Shoot. Ask me. I already stopped and parked the car."

Craig lightly chuckles and it was a forced one. It made me a tad bit uncomfortable about what he going to ask me. He didn't seem sure about it either. "It's and Evan."

Having to hear his name, automatically I made me tense up. My hands were in a fist and I just began to have flashbacks of Evan. Thinking about him and imagining his current state, it just makes me worried. But looking over at Craig, I knew he was expecting an answerback.

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