Chapter 38: Black and White

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Long chapter up ahead! Over 9,000 words again and for a certain reason. Hope you guys enjoy and I love you all. Thanks for everything.

Luke's POV

"And I win," I announce with a smirk forming on my face. I slam my small hand of cards on the table and all the men around me groan loudly in loathing and anger. Slyly smirking still, I reply, "Thank you for the easy game. Let's play again soon."

I grab the pile of cigarettes from the table and stuff them into my pocket. "Adiós," I answer, getting up from my seat and waving to the group behind me.

"Fucking hate that guy," I heard someone ahead of me mutter in resent. My eyes roll as I put one hand in my pocket and continue to walk past them. "Asshole."

Be smart about this, Luke. Remember the lessons you told Johnny boy. Be intelligent about your actions and don't do anything stupid.

As people were saying comments about me, I just chose to ignore.

Once I got to my specified cell, I knew what was coming. A bunch of men were in front of my room, blocking it. Most of them had gang tattoos on their shoulder and had menacing looks on their faces. They stared at me in anger but I casually sighed.

I should've expect this to happen because I left my room for once.

"Can I help you?" I say, grabbing a cigarette from my mouth and took out my lighter as well. I lit my lighter and put it against the tip of the cigarette. The men around me watched as I put the cig in my mouth, shrugging casually at them.

One of the men in front of me took the first step and had his arms crossed. To others, he may seem much like a boss, someone who had power and control over others. To me though, I can clearly see him shaking in his shoes.

I huff out air in his direction and he wasn't fazed. "Rumors are going around. About you escaping prison?" My eyebrow raises and I take the cigarette out between my finger.

"What asshat told you that one?" I ask. "I never planned or told anyone to do that for me."

The guy smirks as he points to the television behind us. "The news," he answers.

The news?

I past the guy and raised my cigarette in his direction. "Hold this," I say before piercing the burning tip of the cigarette in his cheek. He screams immediately and the other guys came rushing in my direction. I ducked quickly as one guy threw a punch. It caused another guy to get knocked out by that punch.

I swiftly turn around and roughly kicked the one of the guys in the side. As they screamed, I dodged another punch from behind and lifted my elbow out to penetrate someone else. They fell to the floor and I focus on the man ahead of me again.

They tried to kick and punch at once and it messed up their form. I took the opportunity as he slightly slipped and used my leg to sweep him off of his feet.

With a loud slam, he fell against the floor and my foot was pressed against his neck. "Don't try to threaten me again," I simply reply, pressing my foot harder. "I could snap you like the little twig you are."

The man in obvious fear now nodded his head quickly as he tried to struggle for air. Lifting my foot up, it gave him the opportunity to move but I didn't let him. Instead, I swiftly kicked him across the face, knocking him out as well.

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