Chapter 7: Help Me

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Tyler's POV

After school ended, I didn't know what to do. Evan is still out there and it will only be a matter of time before his parents call me. His mom believes that Evan is a ungrateful brat who takes advantage of his status. She cares about Evan's record because she will thinks it will reflect back on her. On the other hand, his step-dad is actually the nice one and only seeks to get Evan's kindness and trust. Evan doesn't care or like him though.

Both of them believe that Evan battles with a lot with himself and they believe Evan has no other friends than me. What they both don't know is that I'm not his only friend and I don't babysit him anymore! I can't just even because he continues to distance himself from me and yells at me not to bother him! If I can get even the slightest information on him, I tell his mother just for his own safety.

Everything is so overwhelming now...

I rub my eyes as I exhaled. "This day can't get any worse..."


Now I know what Evan goes through every time I yell out his name when he doesn't want to be disturbed. I turn around and it was Craig yet again. He seemed out of breath as if he ran across and around the whole school just to find me.

"H-Hey!" He says as he breathes out. I stare at him, and I didn't want to seem rude so I commented bluntly, "Hi...?" He looks at me and sighs out heavily out of breath.

"D-Did you hear anything from Evan?" He asks me, concerned still. I swayed my head no. Craig just frowns sadly.

"Why do you even care? You've never talked to me and you definitely didn't care to associate yourself with Evan before," I snap suddenly, which was honestly such a dick thing to do. I didn't mean to be sounding like an asshole all of a sudden but why would someone like Craig care now?

He seemed sheepish all of a sudden. His face turned a bright pink and he was stuttering for words. "W-Well...I-I!" He kept stuttering and I couldn't understand what he was even trying to say.

"Come on, Craig, I'm sure your answer can't be that hard to say," I comment to him, hoping to get this over with so I could try to track Evan's phone from my house.

"I-I-It i-isn't even about Evan!" He shouts out loud to me. Everyone from school glared for some time at us. Craig refused to look at me or anyone for the record! I shooed everyone away with a hand gesture and they began to leave.

I adjusted the backpack that was slugging against my back and I then focused back on Craig. "I-I'm sorry," he whispers shyly. I roll my eyes.

"And you are sorry because...?" "I-It's rude! I-It was highly rude to say to the f-friend of the man who i-is g-gone!" I sigh as I move towards him. I pat him on the shoulder and I whisper, "It's nothing to worry about when you are around me!"

There was a brief silence between us for some time but Craig eventually looked me in the eyes again. He smiles as he replies back to me, "Thank you-!"

"Yo, Texa Cowboy!" A voice says marching toward me and Craig.

Immediately, I knew who that voice was. That voice makes fun of me and doesn't stop ever...

I look behind Craig to see Marcel and Bryce who was following him. I was so done.

Craig looks behind himself and gasps. From my knowledge, since/if someone like Craig is friends with someone in the LGBT community, there would be a shit ton of bullying coming their way. "Well well well, Texa Cowboy got a new friend, Geeky Fatass!"

Craig softly whimpers at his nickname which I believe is far worse than mine. I sigh as I move in front of Craig and I look upwards at Marcel.

"Marcel, what do you need on this fine beautiful Friday?" I honestly couldn't care less what his response would possibly be. One thing I learned when I was a shithead with Evan is that you didn't give a crap about what people had to say about you after the fifth to tenth time.

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