Chapter 30: In A Matter of Time

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The Next Day

Brian's POV

Brock got worried early in the morning. He continued to have a superstitious feeling that something was wrong. Constantly all night, he wept in my arms and only got both of us a small amount of rest. He went to sleep first, and I only glanced down at him as he was peacefully resting. If he softly cried, I wiped the tears from his face, trying not to wake him.

I didn't mind at all but he did.

All morning as we were getting to the hospital, he was just saying he was sorry over and over. I kept telling him it was okay but he never listened.

Now, we are at the doors of the hospital and I yawn gently. "Brian, I'm sorry if I kept you up," he constantly repeated.

I shake my head and sigh. "And I told you it's fine, Brock. It's nightmares and everyone has them. Having that fear is nothing to be afraid of." Without saying another word, I reached my hand out to him. He looked down at it and glanced back at me.

"Come," I say with a tired smile. "Let's go."

He seemed doubtful that I was okay. Maybe I just was tired. Who knows. . .

I'm stressed about everything.

My parents texted me yesterday too. It made my guilt grow worse as I didn't reply to them. I just simply ignored them, causing them to constantly text me.

I turn to Brock who held my hand and walked with me through the halls of the hospital. He seemed calmer than how he was last night. At least he's okay now.

He hasn't talked about his parents yet. I wonder how it is for him too. Have they been texted him non-stop about whether he's okay or not? Are they as worried as my parents?

Brock has a tendency to show his emotions but not his opinion. He can cry and have me hold him but won't go further than that. He won't tell me what bothered him in his nightmares. All he would do is keep the conversation brief and say he's just worried and scared.

His expressions, emotions, and explanations all changed when Evan suddenly beat me up that random day. Brock froze during that time as he watched in total fear. He didn't mean any harm as he was shaking and didn't do a thing. As the beating was getting worse, he softly begged Evan to stop but it wasn't enough. His lips were quivering as he tried to let out words. But nothing more came out.

His words were nothing at that moment.

I know after that incident, he wasn't the same.

I wish he could talk to me more.

"Brian?" I hear him call out gently. I turn to him who seemed concerned as always. His head tilted and he tried to examine my face. Trying to see my emotions if I had any.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" His hand went on my cheek carefully and his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

I smile as I comment, "I'm fine. Just thinking." "About what? Is it something I should be concerned about? Do you need to talk to me about it?"

And after the incident with Evan, he became so attached to me. Always follows me around and always looks around to find me if he loses me. Brock has a sense of worry for me, thinking I'm the one mentally messed up after dealing with Evan.

Though in all truth, it's him who's changed due to Evan. I just got beat up and wanted to do it back. I'm not mentally hurt. Brock is.

"You're definitely not okay," his tone shivered out in worry. "Please tell me."

"Brock, my love, I'm okay," I smile out as I reached out for him. My hands went against both his cheeks and he let go of mine as he got flustered by my words.

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