Chapter 18: We Aren't The Same

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Delirious' POV

There he was. Shaking in fear from head to toe and it didn't stop. His lips were quivering as he tried his best to look away from the corpse. I knew from the very moment I snapped Evan out of it, it was already too late. This has officially broken him.

"W-What did I do? What did I do? What did I do?!" He constantly repeated to himself as he covered his face with his hands. That probably wasn't the best option as he screamed some more, causing me to flinch for how loud he was. I rolled my eyes and brought myself to Evan again.

He was forced to look at me. His face was now covered in blood, just like the rest of his body. I lifted him off the floor and his body stayed still. Evan didn't move an inch as he still continued to shiver.

"What did I do," he repeated again. "What did I do?" His voice was turning lower and lower. It seemed like he was becoming dull to the thought of it all as it still haunted him.

"C'mon," I said to him bluntly as I shoved him to go inside. As I shoved him, he moved only a couple of steps. I hovered over to see him lifted his hands to only stare at them. The blood was drifting into his thoughts as he only focused on that. "This is just great," I whisper to myself annoyed.

I shoved him again, yet this time, Evan's emotionless body fell straight to the floor. In my mind, I was a bit surprised he didn't have a reaction from that. His bullet wounds or stab would don't seem to faze him.

"Wow," I start off by saying surprised. "You must be really torn up by this."

Evan didn't say a word back as he stood still, down on his knees. He only focused his eyes on his hands that were covered in blood.

I knew then that I had no other choice. Frustrated, I walked over to him and as he didn't react back, I lifted Evan up off the floor. It was cliche as I held him in a bride style position. The thought of marriage and Evan, made me want to puke and toss him to ground.

I glance down at him, who was in my arms, quiet. His eyes still had the same reaction. Horrified and scared shitless.

The blood was started to get on my body the more I was holding him. This honestly is the worst. "Fuck you, Bryce. Rot in hell," I found myself saying in a grunt. He probably didn't deserve that saying but hey. I couldn't care less for idiots like him.

Without looking back to Bryce's stupid corpse, I went inside again, carrying Evan. When I motioned to the living room, I placed Evan on the couch. I waited for a second to see what he would do and my point was proven. He didn't move a centimeter.

All he did was looked at the mess he made of himself. Again, I just rolled my eyes.

Under the couch, I bent over to reach for the toolbox. I had it under there just in case of any strange emergencies. I'm surprised Evan has yet to see not one weapon around the house. I have them everywhere in plain sight.

I flipped open the small red toolbox and started to scavenge what's inside. Eventually, I found a blue plier and my eyes then went to Evan who still didn't move. He didn't look at me once.

I placed the toolbox down and went to him. By grabbing his wrists that were tied, Evan didn't make any reaction. Slowly I began to unclip him from the pieces of metal wire that were tied to him. They fell to the floor and I began to examine his hands.

His wrists had sustainable and salvageable cuts that can be healed in due time. I would have to get some peroxide, bandages, moisturizing cream, and a shit ton of towels. Yet, I don't have many medical supplies because I never needed any. In the mirror cabinet that was in the bathroom, there is a couple of bandaids but I'm pretty sure I would need the wrappings instead.

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