Chapter 32: "Hello, Prisoner"

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Evan's POV:

Am I really going to be trapped here forever? I've been here for what seemed like a couple of days. I'm hungry, thirsty, restless, smelly, and I need to go to the bathroom.

I haven't heard much movement in the house and in this room, where I'm locked in a closet, there hasn't been door interaction. Delirious hasn't opened the door, to come to watch me or check if I was still alive.

Ryan hasn't screamed since the last time I've seen him. I hope he's okay. I actually pray, yes pray, that he's safe.

Nothing had no light. The room was pitch black and there is no crack of light from under the door.

It's just all darkness.

I lick my upper lip and traced to the bottom as I felt my lips becoming dry again.

My eyes were going heavy again. I can't fall asleep again. I just can't.

A sign like that is a sign closer to death.

I haven't seen in god knows how long and my body is reacting to protect it. Sleeping is the only option I have left to save myself.

I wasn't tired which is why it's more scary and upsetting. I'm just sleeping now out of boredom and weakness.

Oh, my injuries are slowly healing. The one on my arm is done, it's fine now. My gunshot wounds, they are most definitely taking longer obviously. The first one I've ever gotten, the skin is starting to seal shut. The second is the same as the first but a bit redder. The third hasn't healed as much as the other two.

As I think of the stab wound, I only think of Delirious for some reason. That whole scenario I had with him while Ryan was watching, was weird. Delirious was like himself but wasn't like himself at the same time.

He teases a lot-sure, but that time was different. He seemed more...compassionate? Is that the word? His eyes closed so gently and he placed his forehead on mine lightly.

All I know is that was something different than I was used to.

My eyes started to close again. My hands seemed numb as if they were losing their sense of touch. They curled into fights but it didn't feel like anything.

"Fuck...," I chuckle weakly.

Soon, my eyes heavily closed and I passed out again, for what seemed to be the millionth time.

Delirious' POV

The door was pounded on again, and I already knew who it was. I walk to the door and opened it to see Sat there with a gesturing smile. "Miss me?" He says with a chuckle in his voice.

I didn't say anything as I move out of the way, to let him in the house. "Ouch, tough crowd," Sat mumbles as he walks inside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I thought I told you to keep an eye on Tyler and Craig."

"And I have!" Sat says as he looks around the house again. He didn't say anything but sighed and his head dropped down.

Sat turns to me and asks, "You seriously won't let me see the kid? He has to be around here somewhere." "Why do you want to see him so curiously?" I ask him.

"And what do you seem overprotective?" Sat snaps back as he looks away from me. "Do you think I'm going to do something indecent?"

"Maybe," I mumble.

"Of course you think that," he lets out with a laugh. "Tell me, was Luke anything like that? Indecent? Inconsiderate?"

I thought about it. For some reason, I thought of Evan, and when I told him about Luke's behavior. He had a look of disbelief and with that look, I'm sure he wondered how I still was Luke's friend.

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