Chapter 12: No Regret

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Evan's POV

I struggled to gain his attention with my words. All the guy was doing was examining my body movements. As a result of that tension, my palms started to sweat and my distress increased a spike full.

After a long while of stillness, the guy grumpily hums out a tune. He turns to the side and bends over to the water bottle. Once he picked it up, he immediately opens the cap and gestures the bottle to me as he grows closer. My eyes examine him and the bottle countless times and it caused him to scoff.

By moving closer and closer, the guy was practically a couple inches from me. He nudged and brings the water bottle hovering to my lips. Eventually, the tip of the bottle was roughly pressed against my lips. My gaze went gradually back to the guy.

At least, I tried my best to read the expression in his movements and eyes. That's all I can base him off. I can't see his face. So, his eyes showed an annoyed tone as his bottom lid began to twitch. His opposite hand that wasn't holding the bottle was clenched up in a fist. I knew now that I continuously made him wait.

Here's the thing, I don't care.

A smile forms on my face as I raise an eyebrow in amusement. "You really are trying your best not to kill me, weird guy." He sneers out as he focuses on me.

"I have a name."

Dumbfounded by his response, I began to think. Did he tell me his name? He wouldn't. Then it popped into my head on what he told me before and my facial mood changed. I was unamused and unimpressed. "Your name isn't Delirious. That's bullshit," I answer back bluntly.

With a tsk from his mouth, the guy angrily throws the bottle onto the floor. It slightly bounced up but the water flew everywhere. On mostly the floor and some places on the wall, I just saw the water covering a part of the room. The guy unexpectedly had a piercing sharp knife out from his side and reached out to me. Its blade was impaled against my neck and as I gulp. My worry only made it felt worse.

"You talk so much shit, Fong. It's really starting to piss me off." I shrug as I comment out stupidly, "But you're always mad! You're like me in that way." That last sentence was completely true. He was like me in many ways when it comes to our emotions.

The guy grunts out loudly and I began to scream. The blade went suddenly from my neck and was stabbed into my arm. I hiss out in pain and I bit my tongue to fight back from screaming. The guy brought his face to mine and hiss out in venom, "Don't you ever say we are alike." He quickly rips the knife off from my arm and I felt my eyes tearing up. My tongue was beginning to bleed as I pressed my teeth against it too hard.

His back was turned to me and I weakly focus on him. "My name is Delirious and that's what you'll call me from now on. Not creepy guy. Not retard!" He snaps to me and it caused me to flinch. He throws his arms in the air as well as the bloody knife. "If you do, no matter what, I'll kill you and the ones you love most in a matter of seconds. I know them all now."

Delirious rushed out and automatically slammed the door closed. My hands eventually were trembling still. I felt my heart beating fast as I knew I was beginning to be worried. The pain throughout my body was enormous and I felt it grew with every second. The only thing I did was fight my anger back so it wouldn't cause any trouble anymore. But one last time, I angrily spoke out in a hiss, "He wouldn't dare..." The thought of it all made me overthink. I whisper out, feeling my voice cracking," No...he wouldn't fucking dare hurt-..."

Eventually, I sigh slowly out as I compose myself. I don't know what to do anymore. Even if I want to be, I can't be so cocky anymore. I'm on thin ice where I stand and I'm sure if I run my mouth, it'll be my end. This guy told me that he was a mass murderer and he'll be glad to take me out. But then again, why doesn't he? Why doesn't he kill me like all the rest? Is there something important about me?

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