Chapter 33: The Panic In His Voice

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Brian's POV

It's the next day and so far, no progress on the both of them. All we know now is that Craig's heart attack seized down and Tyler isn't waking up from his deep slumber, like the Sleeping Beauty he is.

Currently, Brock, Marcel, and I are walking to the hospital and are outside the entrance. "Do you think any progress will be shown today?" Brock curiously asks. "I want to talk to them, to understand what happened and what we can do to help."

"I'm sure they'll manage," Marcel answers. "Both are tough annoying assholes."

Wow, he's so sure.

"I hope," Brock mutters. "I want them to be okay."

"We all do," I finally reply. "Surprisingly, I agree with Marcel. I'm sure they'll be fine."

Turning to Brock, there was doubt on his face. He frowned and looked sadly down at the floor, clutching his hands together. "Brock, don't have doubts. It'll fill up in your head and it's honestly not worth it," I say, trying to sound reassuring.

He glanced in my direction but continued to frown. "We don't know...anything...Nothing. We don't even know where Delirious is and why would he not kill both of them? H-He obviously could since he's a mass murderer who feels no emotions for human life."

"Actually, you are wrong about the first part, seeing that I have Tyler's phone," Marcel cuts in by reaching into his pocket, swiftly taking out the phone. "So, even if he tried to get the phone, to eliminate the location, he would have to get through me."

"Marcel, he's a mass murderer," Brock whispers out. "I'm sure he can beat us all down in a matter of seconds."

"Ouch," Marcel sarcastically replies, as he placed his hand over his heart. Acting like he was in pain. "You really hurt my ego."

So fake.

"But anyway, we should go inside now," Marcel says, cutting the act he was pulling. "There might be something new."

All of us together, looking at one another and approached the double sliding doors. We passed through and the head doctor immediately approached us.

"Good morning you three," he greets. I glance at Brock and he glanced at me.

"Can you show us your I.D and tell us about you and how long you have been working here? Also, can you tell us why you wanted to become a doctor? We need to know to watch our surroundings," I bluntly ask as I cross my arm.

The doctor seemed surprised by our words, raising his head from his clipboard. He raises an eyebrow and lightly grunts. "Well, this is a surprise. Ok...I'm Doctor Haddock, I've been working here for over ten years. I've wanted to be a doctor because I've always wanted to help those who are weak while I'm strong enough to help. Oh, and here's my I.D."

He reached in his pocket and showed it to me. I examined it, looking at every spot to try to see anything off. As I was done, I shake my head and move back. "He's clear," I reassure.

"And Doctor Haddock, can anyone in the hospital prove you were working here for over ten years?" Marcel asks, taking me safety measures.

Doctor Haddock nods his head and says, "Sure, one of the receptionists is named Ms. Anne Jane. She's been working here for eight years." After he said that, he shoved his I.D back into his pocket. "Now back to business."

"I'll go check with this Anne Jane," Marcel says. "Get the answers."

He calmly and casually cut the doctor off and walked past him. Marcel believes he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants with no manners. Typical.

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