Chapter 36: My Name

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A/N: Another long fucking chapter. Over 8000 words! Sorry if you don't like it like that but I lost control like Delirious :3

Evan's POV

Without any feelings left inside, I didn't care as I opened the door and watched Delirious talk to Sat. Looking forward, I saw Gorilla holding two people and both were on each of his shoulders. Clearly, they were passed out.

"Just get them downstairs," Delirious orders out to Sat and Gorilla. "I'll deal with the rest."

"The rest?" Sat says in shock. He looks at me but focuses on Delirious who seemed to be the problem. "You can't handle your bloodlust so no-."

Delirious sharply curls his hand into a fist and manages to hit Sat with an uppercut. It sent Sat almost flying backward but he managed to land on the couch.

"Don't order me around, Sat. Remember who's in charge of this mission and who's the right hand to Cartoonz," he replied coldly as he looks away from him. His eyes and body turn around to look at me.

Again, like always, he just stared with no emotion or color in his eyes. It was like I was a total strange to him now.

"Gorilla, when you are done putting two of those in the basement come with me as backup just in case anything happens. Sat," he focuses his eyes on me again as he says as an order, "Watch after Evan so he won't do anything stupid."

After ordering that out, Delirious turned his back to me and walks downstairs to the basement. I watched him go down but he suddenly came up again.

He marched to the couch and kneel down to it. Underneath, he pulled out a crowbar. The crowbar was already stained with dry blood, making it look even more disgusting. There were two pieces of duck tape on it. So, I'm guessing it was hanged under the couch so no one other than him could find it.

"What are you planning to do with that?" Sat marches up to Delirious and asks. "There's no way you are going to..."

"Maybe I will," Delirious simply replies. "You can't stop me, Sat because I honestly don't care for what you have to say anymore."

He pushed Sat out of his way and went back downstairs. Gorilla followed after him and closed the door behind him. They were gone.

I went down on my knees, not caring for the pain I once endured from the bullets. "Did you do or say anything to him before this?" Sat asks me all of a sudden.

In feeling nothing, I rock my head up to look at Sat. "What?" I managed to crack out of me.

He sighs as he repeats, "Did you say anything that could've made him upset?"

"I...," I let out. "I saw a picture and commented something about it."

Immediately, I saw almost a flash in his eyes. Like as I said that, there was going to be chaos. "A picture?" He mutters lightly. "A picture..."

Sat pressed his hands against his face and groaned loudly. "Oh dear," he replies in a mix of sorrow and annoyance. "This isn't good..." His hands pressed against his face harder as he rubbed his face in circles with his hands. "Fuck fuck fuck..."

"Why is it bad?"

He groans again and releases his hands from his face. Closing his eyes, Sat sighs as he asks, "What type of picture was it? Depending on which one it is, it'll explain a lot."

"I- I don't understand how a picture will be a problem-," I was trying to speak but Sat raised his hand and waved it. It almost meant like he was trying to shut me up.

"Just tell me what picture it was, Evan," he simply says, trying to be composed. Could it really be that bad?

"It wasn't a picture. It was more of a drawing. A kids drawing," I reply. I was expecting anger or a large amount of backlash. My eyes were closed and I was knowing the worst will come.

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