Chapter 26: Psychopath

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Evan's POV

Immediately the door slammed open and as soon as Delirious stepped into the room, I peaked at Ryan. My eyes widen in shock to see his forehead. Because I hit him rather hard on the head, there's now a large bump on the side of his head. Around that bump is also black and blue.

Without even realizing, I was stepped past Delirious and felt my knees become weak. I somehow fell straight to the floor and it honestly hurt. It felt like my bones were being crushed deep within my body but I didn't care.

I reached my hand out towards Ryan but as a response back, he pushed me off. At the sight of it all, my hand just flinched back.

He's finally rejecting me...

"Ryan...-." "Don't. I just wanted to make sure you were still alive. Now that you are...I want you to leave."

My eyebrow raised in a sense of surprise. In his face, all I could see was anger and hurt. His eyebrows are furrowed harshly as he continued to look away from my direction.

Wobbling up, I lifted myself up from the floor and whisper, "I don't think you can make such a command like that. Especially when you are like this." I motion to his forehead, implying that he was still in the effect of being injured.

"Is that a threat?" Ryan somehow manages to hiss out at me in anger. It's honestly sometimes I never thought I'd see. A frown was beginning to creep down my face.

Calmly, I shake my head and step slowly away from him. "No. It's just a fact."

His eyes glance at me and my sorrowful expression. My hands clenched tightly as I saw now disappointed in his eyes. Just after he stared at me for some time, Delirious stepped in front of me.

In the air, there was a sudden sound that was swift and fast. As I look down from where I came from and in Delirious' hand contained a hunting dagger.

"You said you wouldn't-." "And I told you I wouldn't when I have you."

He glanced at me over his shoulder and as I focused directly on him, his body motioned to me.

Somehow I was still shocked by the feeling of his touch. Without any warning or hesitation, Delirious places his opposite hand on the side of my cheek. His thumb pressed gently against my skin and I was just dumbfounded by it.

I didn't speak up nor move at the feeling of him.

"What the fuck?"

I was shocked to hear him curse again. In Ryan's voice, it didn't sound right. Normally he said silly words like it was his own slang term no one would understand. I never really heard him curse unless he was angry.

Not from Ryan but Delirious amusingly chuckles for some reason. Gently as well, Delirious leans towards me and his forehead was pressed against mine.

My eyes could only blink at what he was doing.

His hand dropped from touching my face and soon was pushing me closer from my back. It was just a couple inches. Just a couple before I could even kiss him.

"What are you doing?" I whisper in a hiss towards him. Delirious ignores me as his eyes closed and sighed gently. His breath was hot as it hit against my face and skin.

"Are you guys actually serious?" I heard from Ryan. "Are you two seriously a couple?"

My eyes widen at the thought. I felt my eyebrows furrow at the idea of it all.

Delirious and I? Me and Delirious?

Yeah, no way in hell.

"Evan, are you that fucking stupid? What is wrong with you?! Don't you know all the moronic and cruel things this man has done?! He even killed the elderly and children! From rumors like those, he's even done all types of horrible things like rape and torture towards not only women but men too!"

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