Chapter 31: Alliance Between Hate

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Brock's POV

At that moment, I was beginning to have trouble breathing. My heart was stopping but was beating so fast at once.

My eyes swayed between both rooms. Doctors rushed out of both all and the three of was watched. I'm pretty sure Brian was worried but was pressuring information out of Marcel about Tyler.

I didn't bother to pay attention.

"I understand you're freaking out but you need to tell us! What happened with Tyler?!" I heard Brian ask Marcel for the millionth time.

Turning around, I saw Marcel's eyes shut and his hands were on the sides of his head. Soon, Marcel began to shake his head, making himself ignore Brian.

"Marcel," I whisper out. My voice cracked. I couldn't talk properly because I was too scared. "Please."

Marcel somehow listened to me. He glanced at me and began to take a couple of deep breaths in and out. "I-I don't know. I don't know. Tyler was asleep but his phone rang. It rang and the ringer was on and Tyler didn't wake up for how loud the volume was. I shook him to wake up but he didn't! He didn't move a fucking muscle and that's when I saw the monitor freak out! The doctors came by and told me to get out before I could ask."

I lowered my head, trying to process this all. God knows what's happening to Craig too. He had just as many doctors as Tyler.

"Hello? Are you friends of Tyler Wine?" As that person said that, my head spun around. My heart was beating fast as I reply, "Yes! Yes, we are."

The doctor sighs as he replies calmly, "Well, Mr. Wine seems to be better. He's in a coma and his heart had an immediate reaction to what he was given."

What he was given?

"What do you mean by that, Doctor?" Brian questions as he moves beside me. "What was he given?"

"Well," the doctor let out. "It is said by his blood that he was given propofol."

"Propofol?" I question.

"A drug," Marcel bluntly says as I see him lean against a wall.

I turn awkwardly away from him and glance at Brian. He rolls his eyes and replies, "Of course you would fucking know that."

Here we go.

"Oh shut the fuck up," Marcel snaps back. I look at the doctor and he sees me looking at him. I guess we were communicating with each other to see who will break up the fight. I don't want to because I'm the cause of both boys' anger.

Brian fights for me and Marcel fights me.

"Boys, enough," The doctor commands, breaking the fight.

Thank god.

"But yes, he was drugged. Propofol isn't allowed in the medical district so whoever gave it to him will be accountable for this."

The person accountable? I turn to Brian and I see his eyes turn to his left, me.

"You wouldn't happen to know who did this, do you?" The doctor asks us.

"No," I mutter. "I don't at least."

"I might but it was a doctor here. He said he has prescribed the medicine to give to Tyler," Brian replies as he scratches the back of his head.

The doctor looked confused for a second. He seemed lost for words but processed enough to ask, "Do you know the name?" "Doctor Willis."

He seemed even more confused as Brian said that. "Willis? Willis took the week off for vacation. It can't be him."

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