Chapter 44: Decaying at the Core

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"Evan," the soothing voice echoed in my ear with a pure laugh. I felt my body become light as I began to wake up. My eyes first trace across the warmest body with many scars across it.

His innocent white tooth grin welcomed me to an embrace. "Hey," he replied calmly. "Did you sleep well?"

I laughed into his chest and hugged him back. Looking up at him, Jonathan only smiled as he was waiting on an answer from me. "I slept good," I finally answered from below him. "One of the best sleeps I've had in a while."

The atmosphere around us was warming and pure. It was as if nothing could ruin this for us.


I look up again but my smile faded as the man I loved was frowning. My eyebrows furrowed and I worryingly ask him, "Hey, what's wrong. Not feeling well?" All of a sudden, his warmth decayed and crumbled. His fresh was deteriorating above me, soon turning into ash.

My sobs echoed the endless room that envisioned purity and nothing or no one was there to help me.

"Jonathan!" I sobbed one last time.

Evan's POV

My eyes shot open, heart racing. Out of shock, my hands quickly covered the entirety of my face. The same dream again? Why?

Two years went by like a snail competing against horses. A lot has happened since then. I made it back home, met up with people I was once close to, and am in a comfortable bed again.

The major thing that has happened since was that Delirious died. My heart sadly squeezed as I thought of that.

I didn't know he died until I woke up in the hospital again.

Tyler came rushing over to me, telling me that the toxin along with the guards beating him up, was what ended his life. I argued for a while, denying that he had to somehow make it and somehow be alive.

But no. He wasn't.

After the first week of denial and heartbreak, Tyler decided to do something about it. We asked police for reassurance to see his corpse. They did.

The police guided me to specific room where dead bodies were covered in cloth, leading me to a specific one. Without any hesitation, they raised up the cloth slightly to show only his face.

The facial structure, the hair, the lips, the overall look had to be his. I cried so much after that occurrence where I didn't want to come out of my room.

Tyler told me three specific words that made me keep moving though. "Go see Emma." My sister. It's horrible but for a while, I nearly forgot she existed in my life. Though, when Tyler reminded me, my body sparked with a certain feeling that was 'desperation'.

We drove down to my house and already waiting there was the paparazzi. More cameras flashed in my face than multiple other instances but past the gate, to the front of the house, was Emma and her assistant. She clung onto his leg for dear life before she saw my face clearly.

Her eyes sparked in tears as she ran up to me, opening the gates wide open. She leapt onto me, bringing me into a strong hug with her tiny hands clinging to my neck. I fell to my knees with her in my arms, crying away into her neck.

"Evan!" She silently sobbed with tears flooding down.

Looking at her, she got taller. Not by much obviously but enough for me to finally notice her. How long was I gone again?

She smiled with her pure white teeth, releasing me from her grip and stood up. Emma never cared for the paparazzi but it was surprising how much she was focused on me. "Come," she said finally. "See mom and dad."

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