Chapter 37: Time for an End

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Last chapter and me saying: "I'm going to probably upload another chapter in a couple days! Yay!"

Now me silently staring at the long awaited day to finally upload the chapter: "fuck."

Yeah, sorry I didn't upload sooner. Things happened before but I'm back (for the most part)

Evan's POV

What do I believe and do now?

My mind almost got lost in thought but I got alerted again, realizing that people were loudly crying still. I glance over that them and one person especially, was hugging body corpses on the floor.

Never, even when I came down, stopped him from crying. It didn't stop with anyone else either. Though, I can hear the same voice sobbing.

"Brian," I hear him sob out, having his voice break. He turns to the other body and sobs out, "Marcel..."

My eyes widen and I turn to Sat, who was still watching me. "M-Marcel?" I stutter, shocked at what I heard. "A-As in...?"

Sat nods his head weakly, still holding onto his stomach, clearly in pain. He moves closer to me and kneels beside me. "I don't know what to do anymore, not with your friends or even with you."

His eyes traced down to Delirious and sighs. "Delirious, knowing him, he'd probably want them all dead. Killed immediately. Not because of his insanity but beliefs."

"No," I shout, still crying. "I'm not going to allow it!" Looking at Delirious as well, he still clearly knocked out, which means he has no power of the situation anymore. "Look at him! Look at the situation. He can't control you or your ideals on this part of the plan! You can let us all go with the corpses, so we can leave and never step foot near him again!"

"Even if I could, Delirious would eventually wake up. I can't kill him because if Cartoonz finds out about that, he'll definitely- with no hesitation- kill me and Gorilla," Sat says, answering my resolutions immediately. "Plus, you can't leave, Evan. Out of everyone, you know too much about Delirious. I'm afraid you will tell someone- you might even tell your friends. They'll definitely report it to the authorities. I just can't risk that."

Sat lifts himself up slowly and from his pocket, he has a gun in his hand. The gun was pointing to me, straight to the head.

"What are you doing?" I hiss out in anger, not understanding his logic anymore.

"Making the calls," he simply says. He gestures to the closet, where everyone else was sobbing their eyes out. "Get in there and don't fight back. I'll come back later after I patch up Delirious, Gorilla, and myself to end everyone's misery."

"End their misery?" I mutter. My eyes widen, after realizing what he meant by that. "Sat, don't! Killing them will get you or him no where! Just let them go!"

"Evan, just go. I won't repeat it again," Sat ordered as he refused to look at me anymore. His eyes were now focused on Delirious, to make sure he won't wake up for a while.

I too , focused on Delirious. With what he said, what Sat said, I still have so many questions.

What will happen when he wakes up?

Will he kill my friends or will Sat do it himself later?

What will happen to me? Will Delirious plan on killing me too?

As I began to think more, something thin and sharp moved straight past me by my neck. Whatever it was, it echoed momentarily in the thin hallway. Everyone in the same closet cried more because of it and I jumped, startled by it as well. Turning around, the bullet pierced against the wall, forming a small hole.

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