Chapter 29: Spy in the Light

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Evan's POV

It almost felt like hours since I've been lying in the dark closet. My hands were hurting tremendously as they were still behind my back. I tried my best to loosen them by pulling the ends of the rope with the tips of my fingers.

It hasn't worked at all.

What's going on now? What is Delirious doing now as he has me locked up in the closet?

I heard a bang suddenly in the room. It wasn't too loud but loud enough for me to hear. It startled me even though I was safely locked away.

What's going on?

What the fuck was that?

Eventually, more time passed and I knew for some odd reason. It was instinct to me.

My eyes were going heavy as I tried to force my eyes open. Who knows what might happen if I suddenly go to sleep. I can't risk it anymore.

The side of my waist was stinging tremendously still as I even moved an inch. Every time, I would unexpectedly let out a groan of pain, trying to calm myself down.

In my moments of silence, I always thought of Tyler and how he always came at the times when moments were quiet. For how persistent he was, I always found him to be my friend.

I felt my eyes tear up suddenly. Refusing, I constantly shake my head, not letting a single tear fall. "It's your fault...It's your own damn fault...," I whisper to myself lowly. "It's my fault. Mine..."

I still was in disbelief. I couldn't imagine Tyler to pass and the way he did. For how stupid I was, I always believed between the two of us that I would die first.

I did drugs, partied, consumed so much alcohol, had so many enemies than friends, and even caused fight for no apparent reason. All when I started at fifteen years old!

It's a mystery how I'm still alive!

Soon, I continued to close my eyes. I felt that made the time pass somehow and it did as I fell asleep.

Delirious' POV

Time went by some more and all I continued to do was wait. I waited, not feeling bored or annoyed about how long he took. For the amount of time I was waiting, I silently drew my hunting knife back and forth between each hand.

The knife sometimes created cuts. The cuts aren't what bothered me at all. Neither was it the pain.

I guess what bothered me the most was how much blood there was. As I glance at my hands, it was just red. A crimson red that gleamed slightly in the light. Puddles of blood soon dripped onto the floor and all I did was watch.

I didn't panic or stress about it. I just numbly stared at it with my head slightly tilted to the side.

What came to my attention was the door. There was a sudden pound against it and I turn to it. Sighing, I knew that this would give me a headache.

I get up from the couch and go to the door. Once I got my bloody red hand onto the door, I crept it open slightly. I peak my eye through the crack and saw his annoying smile there. His brown hair was pushed back along with his dull brown eyes.

He was still wearing a black hoodie along with green camo pants. I guess he's still the same and hasn't changed much.

My eyes roll as he waved happily at me. "Hey, Del. You look more and more like death than before."

Fully, I open the door and moved to the side to let him in. Sattelizar walks past me and has his hand behind his back as he amusingly looks around my house.

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