Chapter 40: The One Percent

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Evan's POV

By the beams of the sun reflecting onto my face, my face creates a sour look. Eventually, I hover my hand over my eyes for protection and I look around. The car was silent as a mouse. No one talked and not even music was playing in the background.

I suppose I fell asleep. When was the last time I slept? I'm sure it's been a while though...

"Look who's up," Sat's sarcastically voice says from the front of the car. I roll my eyes and groan softly as I rub my eyes. My eyes were still squinted because of the sun but I managed to reply back, "How long have I been out?" "About an hour I guess," he mutters. "I don't fucking know though. I only kept track when you started to snore like a goddamn pig."

I scoff and lean back against the seat. "I know one thing though," I hear him say to me. I directed my attention to him and he answers, "He's been out longer than you." My eyebrows furrow and I question, "Who? Gorilla?"

I see his head shake from the mirror and he replies, "Nah. Look to your right." Look to my right? My head turns in curiosity and I witnessed a rare sight. My mouth opened hollow and I knew my eyes were widening more by the seconds passing.

Delirious had his head leaning against the window and his eyes were closed calmly. There was no expression or sounds coming from him. His arms were crossed and by the looks of it, he's dead asleep.

The sun was reflecting off of his hair sticking out from under his blue hoodie. He didn't flinch or move a muscle. He stayed there, cold and still as a rock.

"Shocking, right? How many times have you seen him sleep out of curiosity?" Sat asked me so suddenly. I was lost for words as I continued to stare at him in awe.

"I've...only seen him sleep once or twice, I think," I let out in a light whisper.

I heard Sat hum in amusement and he answers, "That's more than what I've seen honestly. He must've let your guard down around you then. Normally, he doesn't like anyone to see him at his weakest state whether it's crying or even sleeping."


He doesn't even like sleeping in front of anyone? How different can he be from anyone else?

"Or it could just be that's he's tired," Sat answers quickly, probably trying to confuse me. He's failing yet succeeding at the same time. I didn't know what to think of it. "He hasn't slept much, right?" "No," I answer back. "He has not."

He hums and continues to the road ahead. "How far are we from the prison?" I ask out of curiosity.

He thinks to himself for a seconds and hum, going into a trance. "Maybe an hour or so," he simply answers. "Do you want to me discuss things with you now? About the plan- I mean."

I shrug and answer, "What's the point. It's going to result in me dying anyways, right?" "But this isn't just about you. It's about Cartoonz," Sat immediately snaps back at me with.

Cartoonz. Cartoonz. Cartoonz!

God, it's what all of them only want to talk about! It's really annoying to hear over and over again. It's leaving a pain on the side of my head and it's infuriating to deal with.

"Whatever," I mutter. "Get it over with."

His eyes roll at my response and Sat breathes in afterwards. "The plan is simple enough. You and Delirious are going to go to a far section of the prison. He's going to be watching you as dentate the explosives. Before you activate it, Delirious is going to disguise himself as an officer who works in the building. Luckily, he got the uniform from a officer he killed a while back. Gorilla and I are going to be watching from a distance, keeping an eye out if anyone notices you guys. Then, your little boyfriend is going to be duck taped to the wheel and seat. He will have no choice but to drive us away with Cartoonz. Easy peasy, lemon squeezey!"

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