Chapter 41: The Devil Behind Bars

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Ryan's POV

In the distance, my eyes shot open in shock to an erupt boom. Around me, the ground shook and entirely shuffled where I sat. Looking around though, I noticed I was in the front seat of a car. My hands were surprisingly duck tapped to the steering wheel though my legs were entirely free.

I turn my head around and noticed immediately, a gun was pointed at my head. "What the-" I was cut off my the trigger.

"Shut up," a voice hissed out in a whisper. His voice sounded hurt with such sorrow and grieve. I noticed his hand was shaking as he held the gun. His voice shivered as he gasped for air. "Fuck," he whispers under his breath. "Fuck!"

"What happened?" I calmly tried to ask but sounding in fear.

I look around the back of the car and noticed we were the only ones inside. I panicked, knowing that one person I cared about most wasn't here at all. "Evan...Where's Evan?" I ask, looking around again for him.

The man with glasses gasped for air again and he mutter under his breath, "He's gone..." My eyes widen with such shock. I stammered for words to say as my eyes swelled up with tears.

"W-What do you mean?! How long have I been knocked out for?! Where is he?!" I began to yell out questions that needed to be answered but I didn't get a response. "Tell me!" As the person said nothing to me, I only knew that meant one thing.

The tears heavily came down my face and I banged my head against the wheel. "Fuck!" I scream to myself, angrily. With only us inside the car, I continued to cry more and more.

"Kill me," I lightly whispered. The person behind me didn't say anything at first. I heard the gun click and he sighs.

"I can't do that. Not yet at least."

I bang my head against the steering wheel and gasp for air. I sobbed heavily still and it didn't stop. "I can if that's what you want. But it can't be now. We need you alive so you can drive us out of the state. After though, I'll grant any wish you want."

My eyes closed and after no moment of thinking, I said, "Deal."

Evan's POV

The alarms buzzed through my ears constantly. Around me, guards were panicking everyone and shouts from the prisoners were up roaring in either cheer or fear. Around me, every one of them reminded me of bird trapped in a cage. For how many there were, it was shocking and this was only one block. Block A to be exact.

This place was huge. I still have no clue where Luke could possibly be...

From afar, I heard gunshots echoing. Gorilla and Sat must be stalling for time. I don't have enough of it though!

I was constantly being pushed aside as I was trying to make it through the constant crowd. An idea came into my head though it could've been stupid. I suddenly grab one of the officers who tried to run ahead. He tried to push me off of him but I shouted loudly enough, "Hey!"

The middle aged man stopped in his tracks to look at me. "What are you doing?! We are all meant to be going outside!" The only thought in my head was, "I'm moving up from there! The Chief said to me that I had to watch over Cartoonz! I don't know he is though because I've never assigned to him!"

He stared me in shock but shook it off. "He's in Block C, in solitary confinement. Now go!" Before I could let another word out, the officer rushed off with the other man and I did the same. I rush past everyone and eventually managed to mildly get out of the crowd.

My shoulders were frees from being pressed and pushed against others. I felt as if I could finally breathe and I continue to rush to find Block C. Luckily, at school, I did track momentarily. It wasn't for long but it was something that I did in my prepare time.

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