Chapter 46: No More Clubs, No More Drama

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Evan couldn't believe what he was hearing anymore. In his mind, everything was null and everything around him was ringing. 'No no no...' 'What is even going on anymore?' 'How does this happen to me and everyone around me?' 'This is all my fault.' The music didn't resister through Evan's hearing and lightly, he began to stubble around.

Despite being embarrassed, Ryan noticed the shock in Evan's face now. He pushed Cartoonz off of him completely and stood a couple inches away from Evan. "Evan, look at me." He bluntly told him. However, nothing at that moment seemed to have an effect as Evan just stood there.

"What's his malfunction?" Cartoonz questions carelessly as he threw the drink behind his shoulder. It didn't seem to matter to Cartoonz much that Evan was like this and also the fact he hit someone with the liquor glass he threw, who was crying in absolute agony.

"I think all the things that happened to him finally caused him to go into shock..." Ryan observes worriedly as he waves his hand across Evan's face, just to get no reaction. Cartoonz rolls his eyes and lightly pushes Ryan aside. He stares at Evan and his dull-looking expression, sighing. Grabbing Evan's weightless body by the shoulder, he takes away from the crowded area of the club.

Ryan was confused as to where they were going but realized it was just to an open window of the club. The cool air suddenly hits Evan's face and he begins to progressively blink his eyes. "See? Nothing like a good breeze can't fix," Cartoonz shrugs before letting go of Evan, just for Evan to lose his balance. He luckily went against the wall, but just to end in the result of sliding down slowly to the floor.

Ryan looked irritated at Cartoonz's stupidity and inconsideration. The merciless leader suddenly then got a smack across the back of his head. He sighed as he saw Ryan going towards Evan who was curled up in a ball, not even noticing his existence.

"We need to get him out of here," Ryan finally said before turning to Cartoonz. Before Cartoonz could even have an opinion or snarky reply, Ryan lifted Evan off of the floor, leading him to the back exit of the club. Too much crowded attention wouldn't leave Evan in a good position.

Ryan tried to push past everyone but obviously, no one cared. Though as one person tried grabbing Evan by the wrist, Ryan's eyes widened as he yelled, "Hey!" While watching all of this, Cartoonz rolled his eyes and enough with all of the bullshit. Carelessly marching over, he stood in the middle of the dance floor, grabbing a bottle of whiskey from a server.

The booming of the music was loud but Cartoonz was louder. Slamming the bottle down roughly against the floor, there was a silence of gasp and shock. All movement in the club stopped and everyone stood in place as they stared at the bottle-smashing psychopath. Cartoonz stared every single one of the people down, observing all of them and their chilled expression. With a little hand movement under his crossed arms, he points Ryan to the door.

Ryan groaned, shaking his head. He had that chance to move Evan outside in which he gladly did. Cartoonz on the other hand, flipped everyone in the club off while Ryan wasn't looking. In silence, he grabbed a cigarette box out of his pocket and a lighter. Everyone watched in silence as he lit his cigarette in his club alone. Soon, he grabbed his phone and made a call.

The phone rang for a while, causing Cartoonz to roll his eyes due to his impatience. Though when the line clicked and before a word could be said from the other said, Cartoonz answered first, "Hey, come over. Everything went to shit." He hanged up the phone then and taking the cigarette out of his mouth, he blew the smoke out in the quiet atmosphere.

Snapping his fingers though, the music continued and everyone went back to normal as if nothing Cartoonz did even mattered.

The black door with an exit sign above bursted open and sighing in relief, Ryan let go of Evan gently to the floor. He placed him against the black painted wall and it was like looking at a porcelain doll. Ryan closed the exit door slightly, because he knew soon he had to go back

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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