Chapter 35: The Smallest Tear

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Warning: This chapter is long as fuck and I made it to be for a certain reason. Enjoy but be prepared that it is long (over 9000 words)

Delirious' POV

Morning. A time of a day where I thought I could never wake up to without freaking out.

My eyes open and my mask was nearly off my face. It was completely sideways and I felt my lips have some air to them. I had to fix it quickly before I go on a rampage again. Before I freak out.

With both my hands held up, I adjusted my mask and brought it to be straight again. A yawn came from my mouth and I realized that this was the most rest I've had in a while.

Feeling relaxed, I raised both my arms out and stretched them from side to side. I started to lift myself from bed but I couldn't all of a sudden. Beside me, I heard a mumble.

Looking down, Evan's arm was wrapped around my waist and his head was leaned against my stomach. I'm surprised he isn't freak out due to the amount of blood on me, the bed, and now his face.

Gently, trying not to wake him up, I use both my hands to get his head off me. My hands were on his cheeks and lightly, I pressed my thumb against them. All I did then was stare at him.

I know in the past I've said he's cute, handsome, and stuff like that. Now, Evan just looks adorable in his sleep. He seemed a peaceful and lovable panda, who's not in its usual anger and not forcing its rage onto others.

The blood though was on his face. My blood was on his face. When he wakes up, I'm pretty that's something he doesn't want to see.

I tried my best to be quiet and I gently raise his arm from my waist. Easily from then, I got up and went to the bathroom. My immediate thought was doing to the cabinet and getting a small hand towel. So I did.

I doused it in water and squeezed it out just enough so it wouldn't drip onto the floor. I went back to Evan and carefully sat myself down on the bed again.

Evan mumbled in his sleep again and I took the opportunity to grab him. Gently, I wiped his face of the dried blood as best as I could. Some of it wouldn't come out which meant I had to press harder.

That would wake up him.

Looking at him though, I just can't think about his reaction to more blood. He's seen enough I think. The time he killed Bryce and the times I hurt him, causing him to intensely bleed out.

Evan definitely doesn't need to see more.

Throughout yesterday and today, I know my persona and personality changed a bit. I know and I don't mind. I'm okay with feeling again. It feels like relief when I do. I'm normally stressed with the fact I'm emotionless most times.

Feeling though, it makes me feel...happy? Is that the word? I can't remember it well but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

Focusing on Evan again, I had no choice but to wake him up. So, going even harder, I pressed the towel onto his skin and I was right. In a matter of seconds, his eyes sleepily open.

"What time is it?" He mumbles lightly as he pressed the side of his face onto my hand.

"Why won't you speak to me? You okay?" Evan then yawns out and stretches his arms out. He wipes his eyes and soon almost touched his face. Quickly enough, I grabbed him before he could have.

He seemed startled by that. His sleepy self went away at that moment. "What's going on," he asks normally with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "Why do you have a towel in your hand?"

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