Chapter 20: Breathing Low

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One Week Later

Tyler's POV

My eyes weakly open to only see white at first. The light was so bright to where I had to tightly squint. As it began to fade, I saw what was around me. I was laying down, in a bed, with monitors to my left and right.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in not only my head but my right arm and leg. My mouth let out a small hiss as I lift myself up to sit straight.

"What the fuck...," I found myself saying in a low tone. I continued to look around and soon the door opened. A nurse who was in uniform got startled as she looked at me. Her mouth gaped open and she gestured a shy hello.

I was about to ask her something but suddenly, she rushed out.

Again, what the fuck?

She came back after a while with a doctor who held a clipboard in his hands. He looked at me more calmly than the nurse and sighs heavily. "Well, John Doe, you finally have woken up which is better progress to be made. For your injuries, you have a rather large concussion, a broken arm, and a broken leg too. Your arm seems more injured compared to your leg because it got crushed under the vehicle you were in. There are some bruises, burns, and fractures across your body as well but they'll heal eventually over time." He looked up from his clipboard and glances at me. "Now, do you have any questions?"

I silently laid myself down against the pillow, looked at him. "My name is Tyler, Tyler Wine, and I-." Immediately, my eyes widen as it came to my mind so suddenly. I began to squirm and look around to see if he was with me.

"Mr. Wine, I have to ask you to calm down. Tell me calmly, what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asks me in his peaceful and calming voice still.

"Where's the person I was with? Is he okay?!" I ask highly with my voice raised to a pitch. The nurse was speechless as she looked at the doctor with a concerned look. She didn't even try to look at me once.

The doctor, on the other hand, continued to look at me but scratched the back of his hand awkwardly. "Well, Mr. Wine..."," he lets out quietly. It caused me to panic more and more. My heart was beating fast as I was waiting for his response. Across my body, there were only shivers and chills.

"Your accomplice hasn't even woken up yet," The doctor finally says.

With all my might, I try to force myself out of the hospital bed. It didn't work well as all I felt was the pain. In a reaction, the doctor and nurse try to pin me down, laying me back in bed. "Let me go! I need to see him!" I shout out to both of them.

"Nurse Ashlie, get the sedative ready!" The doctor quickly said to the nurse. At fast speed, the nurse lets go of me carefully and goes to counter. The doctor occupied me to where I didn't notice her coming back with a needle.

"Please, get calm down, Mr. Wine," The nurse reassured me as she cautiously reached for my arm and sticks the needle in. I tried my best to move away but the doctor helped her by holding my arm down.

Eventually, I lost all strength to move or fight back. Black was appearing in my vision and the two medical professionals let me go. "Mr. Wine...- will bring...- the one...-who rescued-..." I couldn't properly hear him but I knew it would come back to me eventually.

My vision soon was nothing as I drifted off to sleep.

Sometime later

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