Chapter 2: "Friends"and Drugs

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An upcoming scene in the story might be sensitive for some readers. So, fair warning.

Tyler's POV

I should probably stop him. I can't just let him get in trouble for smoking weed and snorting cocaine up his nose. He's not like that...He wasn't like that at least...

Ever since Evan has met Marcel, Scotty, even Bryce, and possibly a few others, he's gone a bit strange. He now does drugs, alcohol where to the point I think he's addicted and has had too much sex. Too much sex is actually saying something.

I've actually walked in on it once. Three fucking girls laying beside him with nothing more than a small blanket slightly covering them. My god, Evan was angered that day...I'm sure he didn't want me to see it or him like that.

When Evan left with his new 'friends' to the bathroom, I've always felt like this before. Having to be like an anchor falling down to the bottom of the ocean. it couldn't move or budge. It was just stuck there.

I felt like that...

It fucking sucks.

Evan's POV

"Hey Evan," Bryce welcomes as he saw me walking into the bathroom. I just waved back.

I've never really talked much to Bryce. He seems to be an okay guy but just not in my type of crowd. I honestly don't understand why Marcel and Scotty even hang out with him. When I first saw them with him, I thought they were just fucking around and I don't literally mean it like that. Just as a way of using him as a decoy and manipulation. Apparently not!

"Bryce, pass the weed. Evan will take the cocaine, he's into that more," Scotty says to Bryce as a suggestion and he was right. Scotty, unlike me and Marcel, doesn't really smoke or do any types of drugs.

"Scotty, are you sure you don't want any of this shit? Sure, you'll get dizzy or lightheaded from time to time but it's honestly worth it," I say to him, cracking off as a joke at first but he didn't seem to be keen on the idea. He was just silent and slightly shook his head no.

These three friends of mine are strange.

Marcel is the crazy guy. He does everything and I mean everything. When I first met him and when we talked, he said something about "Living your life to the fullest and having no regrets!". I mean- yeah, I agree but having yourself killed off a result of no regret? I'm worried about him more rather than myself. He also is known for hosting crazy fucking parties that could last for days and nights non stop. In our group, he was the first person to show me alcohol and suggest me to try all sorts of them.

Bryce is just this guy who's quiet but follows Marcel and Scotty as if he was a stray puppy. He honestly thinks he fits in our group but I don't think he is anytime soon. As you can tell, he handles the beauty know as drugs! I kind of remember him saying when I was high that his Dad uses many sorts of drugs on himself. There's still more I haven't tried. Bryce gets a hold of some once a day and will sell it behind the facilities back. He also acts as if he is the innocent one. Surprisingly, Bryce is known in school to be very smart- one of the smartest actually. Though if it goes out that he is selling drugs and uses them on himself, he'll get a lot more than just being expelled. His whole life will basically be fucked over.

Finally, Scotty. Scotty is a very outspoken guy in the group of ours. He talks a lot and sexual themes? Things like foreplay, kinks, fetishes, bdsm, and etc., are what he's all about. It's strange that he not like me, Marcel, and Bryce who does drugs. Yet, he goes to all crazy parties and gets drunk easily. He hooks up with over twenty people a month so that's a lot to sum up for a year...

H2OVanoss: Through the GlassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora