Chapter 6: Little Piece of Shit

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Evan's POV

By the time 'Delirious' left..., I felt bored! Is that stupid to say? I felt fucking bored!

"There's gotta be something to do in here..." I search around the room then my eyes trace back to my leg. Somehow now, I finally notice almost half of my jeans are tied to my leg as a bandage.

"Such a way to improvise after saying you probably won't help...," I mumble to myself. I look around the room again and there were somethings that were off.

This was someone's bedroom obviously, but it is strange because there is almost nothing. A bed, closet, two cabinets, a lamp on one of the cabinets, and broken picture frames. That's it, plus the room was white, nothing on the wall other than it is white.

I guess I can try to escape now, but knowing in typical horror kidnapping stories and shows, the kidnapper ends up killing the victim or ties them back up along with some kinky beatings. I huff as I shrug.

I guess I should try to get back home. My mom is probably not worried. My step-dad-- probably is but he says he has "faith" I'll make good decisions and taught me to be tough in some way you could say. Everyone else I know probably thinks I'm skipping school or getting high or drunk so- yeah...

I felt the texture of the material I was tied with and it was duck-tape around my hands, and rope around my wrists.

Delirious seriously made it hard. My hands are completely tied and I can't even move my wrists in the slightest.

There is seriously nothing I can do. What the actual fuck...

This is boring as shit!

On the bed, as I see was the phone, Scotty's phone. I frown formed suddenly on my face and I thought back to him. I can't believe the same guy who kidnapped me killed Scotty and didn't even feel any remorse.

It's more of a reason to try and escape. I can't spend the rest of my life tied and soon get murdered. I need to have meaning--a proper life after high school. Yes, I actually thought about this peachy cheeky shit. Maybe, I wouldn't care to finish high school but I do want to live at least.

From the phone, I suddenly heard a ding! Are you actually fucking kidding me? Does the phone still work? It's on the far side of the bed where I can't reach with my hands- but my feet...

I suddenly reach over with my left foot to bring the phone closer and it was slowly working. The phone each time was getting closer and closer!

Once it was close enough so I can see the screen, I knew I had no choice but to type with my feet. Thank God Tyler and I, when we were little, did stupid challenges!

I pressed the home button on Scotty's phone and it wanted a six digital passcode. What does Scotty like with six letters? I typed with my foot D-I-L-D-O-S and it was wrong. "Fuck," I whisper to myself in frustration. I then tried to type pornhub but it was seven letters.

What would Bryce and Marcel put for these stupid questions-? I cut myself off by thinking. No, no he wouldn't...

I typed with my feet M-A-R-C-E-L and it works. Fuck Scotty...You were honestly too good for him.

I quickly go to dial a number and dialed 9-1-1. I waited and waited, then someone for the love of god picked up. "9-1-1, what's your emergency?" "Hello, my name is Evan Fong a-and I gotten kidnapped!" I noticed my voice was getting louder, shaking even. My heart was suddenly pounding like a bell.

"Okay, Evan, I'm going to need you to calm down. Can you tell us the person, the person is all we need to know," the woman asks over the phone and I breathe in then out. "Evan? Evan Fong, are you still there?"

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