Chapter 24: Little By Little

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Evan's POV

When we got upstairs, it was like the times before. Delirious just placed me on the couch and came back with the brand new med-kit along with some towels. He reached to my leg and lifted up the sleeves of my pants. Without saying anything to me, he silently was inspecting the wound.

He didn't even want to look at me anymore. Not one time did his eyes glance up at me.

Without any warning, I felt the pain erupt in my leg as he strongly covered the wound with the towel. His two hands covered it and made sure it didn't fall off. I was trying not to sound like a bitch and cry. But the tears were forming in the corners of my eyes.

Keeping shut, I brought my lips together tightly. Underneath my quietness though, my jaw was hurtfully clenched. My teeth were grinding as I felt a vein beginning to pop on my forehead.

I don't know what he trying to do. Either he's figuring out how to help me or he's just doing this to cause me pain.

No matter what, I can't argue anymore with him. I made a stupid deal. I traded not only my dignity but my life to this man, just to save someone I haven't seen in a couple of years.


What was he thinking?

Why didn't he be smart about this and get help?!

I would've gotten out sooner and he wouldn't be stuck in this situation with me! All of this has just gotten worse and there's not much we can do anymore!

"Fuck...," I felt myself hiss out softly. My hands were trembling now as I grabbed ahold of the remaining of my pants. Chills went down my spine as I only thought of our futures.

Just now long will this last? When will it finally be over?

I came back to reality suddenly when Delirious took the towel away from my leg. He placed it to his right and reached for the medkit that was one the floor to his left. I saw him open it and his eyes were showing a different reaction.

Just under his mark as I laid down and had a different angle, I could see his eyes row furrow. He placed his hand where his mouth would be as he was inspecting the medkit with curiosity.

Why would it be like this? What makes him look so confused? It's just a medkit.

Hasn't he seen one before?

"What's having you looking so confused," I ask. I was trying my best not to give an attitude or a way of mocking him. I only knew if I implied something, Delirious would get the wrong idea. Who knows, maybe he'll shoot me again for the millionth fucking time!

Delirious only once shook his head left and right. He didn't answer me as he reached for some pack of white bandage wrap. Tracing his finger around the cloth, Delirious was just examining it in continuous circles.

My eyebrow raised in confusion for his actions. To be honest, Delirious looks like a cat who found a new ball of yarn. He just keeps watching it as it was in his hands with a gleam in his eyes.

"So...," I can only say. I couldn't find words to say to...-whatever this is! It was all too off and strange to watch from a different perspective. I bet in Delirious' head, things might make sense. Too bad I can't read minds.

If I could, I would use that power to understand him better.

His eyes trace back to mine that were staring at him long enough. I glance away as his eyes startled me. Then I heard a sound, like a person unraveling a roll of duck tape. I turn back to Delirious to find him actually unraveling the whole damn scroll of bandages.

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