The Rockstar

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Arthit's POV------

I closed the door of my office softly behind me. A sigh of contentment left my lips. Another job...well done. As I sat down at my desk, I thought back to the assignment that we had just finished. A business man was being threatened by an associate. The idiot had started out by parking across the street from the client's home, just staring at the house. When that didn't get a big enough response, he actually trespassed the client's house !!

Not funny when it's done by a teenager.......

But...... seriously weird when done by a 37 year-old man !!

Then he crept into the backyard and stole the family dog, a Pomeranian (worth thousands, by the way), the businessman called us, Guardian Angels, to see what we could do. The trick was to catch him in the act, and the police just didn't have the time to devote to the job. The guy hadn't really done anything too bad, yet.

Within hours of being on the job, Bright had found the guy's rental house, with the dog in the back yard. Jenny had snapped a hundred pictures of the guy outside the client's home, outside of his own house and actually walking the stolen dog !!

Criminals tended to be stupid, which was good for us who hunted them. The wiretap on the client's phone had also turned up about a dozen incriminating phone calls, which had been taped and saved for the police.

I had turned the information over to the police this morning, and now the guy was in the local lock up awaiting for his trial in the court.

Once again, Guardian Angels had finished the job, successfully. We saved the day and the dog too.

I sighed again. This job was an easy one. Actually a lot of our jobs has been easy. But then sometimes..... something big came along. Like the Small Kids Kidnapping Ring. That guy had kidnapped several Kids so that he could sell them to the highest bidder. We had seen the pattern after four little ones disappeared from the VIP locality in the course of a week. Through diligent effort we had tracked the guy down. At least he had the good sense to hire a couple of women to take care of the kids. They were in fairly good condition when the police rescued them. It was quite a sight to see the reunions of those families with their kids. The women were arrested, too. It was good that they had taken such good care of the kids, but Holy Crow....... just what had they been thinking ?? They were accomplices, too, and would pay the price.

That had been a pro bono case for Guardian Angels. Jenny had insisted that no money change hands. She had a soft spot for babies. Police Department of our town was very grateful for our help and sent work our way whenever they could. Sometimes people in need approached them for information on security services, and they always gave them our number.

Besides our bodyguard duties, we also found things for people. Everything from stolen valuable items to lost cats and dogs. I really had to think to remember how many lost pets we had recovered. Our vampire sense of smell really did come in handy at those times!!

Guardian Angels, consisting of Jenny, Bright and I, could do the little jobs......and the big ones, too.


My intercom buzzed, and I hit the button

"Yes, Angela ??"

"Arthit, there is Mrs. May Thitipom on the phone. She is calling on behalf of her boss, THE Kongpob Suthiluck"

Angela paused, gulped and continued

"He is in the latest People Magazine.......He is one of the hottest bachelors around. He is the famous Rockstar of music industry"

I waited for Angela to get to the point.


"Oh yes....."

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