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Kongpob's Pov---------

Time - 2022

I don't think I have ever been so tired in my life. It has been a whole week since I woke up and since then, I have slept on and off. I had a high fever and my body was so sore. My fever got down early this morning and the nurse who came in had said that my friends should be able to see me when visiting hours started. I guess she was talking about Aim and May because they are my only friends and family too.

Both came to me right away, fawning over me. I was so happy to finally meet them after a week of waiting. Aim had to leave for an important meeting but he promised to be back soon. May stayed and was chatted on about what she had been up to after being a mother. Apparently, they were not supposed to tell me what I was up to. They wanted me to remember on my own.

At the time of lunch I insisted May to get something to eat for herself too, at the hospital cafeteria.

When I was alone in my room, My thoughts turn to the handsome man that was with the doctor that night in my room. He was too amazing to believe that he could be real. He was breathtakingly handsome. I remember the feel of his hand in mine. It felt right and comforting, my hand felt empty and lost as soon as he let go.

I felt foolish to fantasize over that handsome man Arthit. He looked liked he could be some type of Greek God. He more than likely had a girlfriend or a boyfriend. I knew that he wouldn't be intrested in me inspite of me being like a celebrity and all. Though, when I saw the way he looked at me, like he did care for me and that he was disappointed that I did not remember him. He also did call me 'sweetheart'. I wonder how we knew each other. Apparently, I have been in Bangkok for year. I had no clue what has happened in last few months. I was desperate to find out. Aim and May just told me that I was being stalked and Arthit's security agency has solved the case... but I felt as if it was not the whole truth.

I pushed my fork around on my plate. I hadn't had my appetite back yet. The door opened and Aim walked in followed, by a tall handsome man.

"Hey Aim, you are back already. May is down the cafeteria"

I called out, my voice still rough.

"Hey Kong, yeah i already talked to her. Look I brought someone to visit you"

Aim came over and sat next to my bed. The boy looked at me with a big smile on his face.

"Hey, Kong. Glad to see you awake. I was so worried about you and I missed you so much..."

He sat at my feet. He seemed a bit too close for my comfort.

"I am sorry. I don't know, who you are ??"

I apologized. He frowned slightly before starting to smile again.

"I am Roby, Roby Smith and you know me very well dear Kongpob"

He explained. I still must have looked confused.

"He is victor's nephew Kong and he was our classmate in high school too, don't you remember ?? and he was the one maneging your recent concerts in Bangkok. You were meeting with him quite constantly in Last few months..."

Aim explained lightly. I tried to remember but couldn't recall anything.

"I remember two boys from high school, who were our lab partners"

I shrugged.

"Yeah, I was your lab partner... We were pretty close at that time too"

Roby sighed. I tried to remember harder.

"You are not the boy that blasted the test tube in chemistry lab... are you ??"

I asked, Aim started laughing.

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