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Arthit's POV------

“I am so sorry........”

I was sitting on the couch, my hands holding my aching head. Vampires didn’t get headaches, but mine sure wasn’t feeling very good. I felt Prem's hand rubbing my temple softly. I glanced at him in thanks, and he nodded.

Wad and Prem sat on either side of me. Bright was leaning back against Jenny’s feet where she sat on the couch. Noor and Knott were seated in chairs on the other side of the coffee table.

“I can’t tell you guys how grateful I am that you were there for me. I haven’t ever felt that way before”

I shook my head at the remembered aroma of HIM.... it still called to me, even hours later.

“What was that ??”

I asked still amazed, Knott spoke softly

“I think he is your Soulmate”

I looked at him, my eyes wide and inquiring.

Noor whispered

“A vampire having a human mate ??”

“Its rare but not impossible, We all witnessed that in past”

Knott paused and looked at each of us.

“During the time, just after my change, which I spent collecting all the knowledge about vampires, I was fascinated by the history and the science of why we are the way we are...... I found myself spending hours and hours perusing the books about vampires in the library at old England church”

Knott had been to England, hundreds of years ago. He was changed in London when he went there to explore the old city.

“At one point, I heard about some humans mate of a vampire. It occurred so rarely, there really wasn’t much information, but it intrigued me, and so I learned what I could about the situation, I wanted to be prepared if I had a human mate myself”

Knott said looking at Noor with a smile.

“In the books, it was mentioned that if any human.... whose blood calls strongly to a vampire, so strongly, that almost nothing can stop you from taking it. Almost nothing can stop you from drinking until it’s gone, and even after that you are still thirsting for more..... Then He or She maybe your mate”

“Is there a chance that a vampire can harm his or her own mate, if they are human, Because of the pull of their blood ??”

Noor asked panicked.

“Yes it is possible.... If a vampire has a human mate, he or she has to be really careful around his or her mate. Because they can easily kill their mate in a frenzy of their blood thirsty mind”

A deep growl suddenly erupted from my throat. Every eye turned to me.

“Am I going to harm him ??”

I looked at my family.

“Is Kongpob  Suthiluck really my mate..... And I am going to KILL him for his blood ??”

Knott leapt to his feet and came over to me. He took my hands in his as he sat down on the coffee table and looked deeply into my eyes.

“I don’t believe that, that has to be the case, Arthit ”

He said assuring me.

“You have been waiting for your mate for a long time Arthit..... You have to be strong for him and for yourself too”

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