I love Him ❤️

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Stalker's POV----------

Every single time I close my eyes, all I can see is...... his deep chocolate eyes, his silky n messy hair, his jaw line that I just want to nibble on..... and his body OH…....his body. His shoulders are so wide, and his soft rosy lips just call to me.

I need him beyond anything else. I am sure that He is my soul mate. The few words that we have spoken are engraved on my heart and mind. His voice seriously causes shivers to run down my spine.

He is MINE.

My Mama agrees too. She always says that I deserve the best of everything, the best clothes, the best shoes, the best schools, the best cars, the best meals. Yes, the best of everything. She says it’s because I am so very special.

I remember when I was trying out for being a head cheerleader in high school. Poor Nat was in that freaky accident that broke her leg. She was out, and I was in. Mama said it was because I was supposed to be the leader. She said that she told Nat that the ladder she was using to put up the banners in the school hallway wasn’t safe. Mama knew it wasn’t safe because she had seen me take the hammer to the left leg !! But Nat didn’t listen to my Mama.

Oh well, she was warned !!

Mama said it was meant to be because I deserved to be Head Cheerleader more than Nat.

Once I saw Kongpob Suthiluck in People Magazine, I just knew that we were meant to be together, forever and always. He is just so gorgeous, a fitting mate for me. And he is smart, too. Everything he said in that article just rang so true. He was so sweet and charming. I could tell that he really liked to help people. His family had started that scholarship fund, and he played his concerts for schools and orphanages.

He gave away a lot of money, but he still had more than enough left..... to buy me the things that I deserved. He deserved the best, too. And that would be ME......soon to be Mrs. Suthiluck, wife of Kongpob Suthiluck. That has such a lovely ring to it. I wonder what kind of wedding ring I willl get ??

Probably something with lots of diamonds on it, the biggest ones.

The internet is a great thing. Mama and I did a search and found out that he was going to hold a concert in Seattle then he will do one here in Bangkok. He recently started to live here, so it’s kind of a big thing, 'Hometown Boy's helping concerts' and all that sort of thing.

The fact that he lives here, where I live, well, it is just meant to be.

We got the tickets to all three of the concerts in Seattle. We sort of had to cheat to get the tickets to the kids concert on that Sunday. We don’t have any little kids to bring, well, not yet anyway. But that’s okay. Sometimes you just have to blur the lines a bit. I AM my Mama’s daughter, her one and only child, so that counts, right… ??

We sat front and center each time. It was nice when he performed with other artists and the orchestra, but when he performed his solos, well, that was just the best. I knew that he was singing just for me. He looked out at the audience, and his eyes rested on me for the longest time. He knew that we were meant to be, and he sang just for me.

He knew he was MINE.

It was worth the money we spent to stay down there in Seattle for those three days. We got to saw him coming and going from the concert hall all the time. We got lots of pictures of him, too. We printed out a bunch of them, and now they are pinned up all around my room. I printed the best one on my pillow case. Now I sleep with him all the time. And soon I will be sleeping in his real bed. Well, I hope that we do a lot of other things than sleep all the time…...

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