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Kongpob's Pov---------

When Arthit opened the door to greet our guests, I was amazed at the collection of beautiful vampires that were gathered on my porch. A woman and two men stood there, smiling at us both. The woman standing at the front of the group was truly stunning. Her shiny blonde hair was gathered loosely on top of her head, with tendrils curling softly against her alabaster cheeks. Her smile was wide, showing her perfect teeth. I thought I saw her mouth move, she was saying something but I couldn't hear a word.

Arthit stepped slightly in front of me in a protective stance.

“Hina, Jenny called and said that you guys would be dropping by. How nice to see you all !! Won’t you come in ??”

Arthit was pulling me behind him with our clasped hands as he reached around me and swung the door wider.

So... this was Hina, the one that Arthit had warned me about. She certainly demanded attention by her very presence. I can catch Vibes of a highly sexual and volatile personality behind her lovely smile. Even without Arthit’s warning, I would have been very careful around this woman. She reminded me of some of the models and actresses that I had met during the past couple of years. They had been hungry for conquests. This vampire exuded that same feeling, but magnified by about a thousand folds.

Hina was looking me up and down as she greeted Arthit and me. My intuition told me that Jenny had been right about her infatuation with me.

“Arthit…how nice to see you again !! Tootah was so surprised when he ran across your….. I mean when we realized that you were here in Oregon. We just felt that we should stop in and say, Hi... to you before leaving the town”

Apparently they didn’t know how much I knew about them and Hina had just tried to cover up the words 'Your scent' to not to alarm me.

She was looking at Arthit while talking to him but there was something pushing at my mind, something that made me uncomfortable. I tightened my grip on Arthit’s cool hand.

“And who is HE by the way ??”

Hina stepped closer and held her hand out to me.

“Hina, this is Kongpob, And This is, His house”

I didn’t want to let Arthit’s hand go to shake Hina’s, but manners called for me to do so. She appeared surprised that I didn’t shy away from the coolness and firmness of her hand. Her grip on my hand was strong as she drew me forward and away from Arthit, under the guise of introducing me to the rest of the group.


She said.

“How nice to meet you, any friend of Arthit’s must surely be our friend too. This is my brother Harry and his Ma... I mean his Husband Tootah”

The two men came forward and shook my hand. All the while she kept her hand on me and before I knew it I was in the middle of them, with Arthit outside the circle.

I realized that a cloud of lust was slowly filling my mind and beginning to affect my body. It was not the clean, pure feeling that I had just experienced with Arthit. It was much baser and I didn’t like it at all.

They were all speaking, asking where Me and Arthit had met each other, but I was having a hard time comprehending their words with my mind becoming more clouded by every passing moment.

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