The Celebration

957 84 106

Time - 1660

Kongpob's Pov---------

Today was a dreary day and the Rojnapat family, with exception of Maria, was going to be out. I thought it was the perfect time to have Noor and Knott over for tea. Between the busy days and not being able to get out side without Arthit, I have only seen her that one time.

I greeted Dr. Noor and her husband Knott at the door. They smiled at me pleasantly.

"Good afternoon, Noor..... I mean..... Dr Thaklam"

I quickly amended.

"Good afternoon. Please, if you are used to calling us with our names, it is still okay for you do so"

"Then please call me, Kongpob."

I responded. I showed them to the sitting room.

"I know you guys do not eat or drink, but we wanted to make this as realistic as possible. Maria said she could see Arthit arriving toward the end of this meeting"

I explain the set up as Maria brings in a tray. She sits to join us, as I had previous invited her too. I thought she may be interested in the conversation since she knew most of everything that was going on.

"No, need to apologize. It is nice for once to be able to visit with someone who understands"

Dr. Noor gave me a sad smile. Knott and she, looked so alike of their future selves...yet so different. I realized if I was here to save Arthit from being changed, They would never have a family for all eternity.

"Mr. and Mrs. Thaklam, it is a pleasure to meet you finally. My name is Maria, I am the Rojnapat's housekeeper"

Maria introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, Maria. Please call us Noor and Knott"

I was glad neither of them had any animosity about the other knowing too much.

"Well, Kongpob, it's really nice to finally meet you. Noor talks about you a lot, and I was so eager to see you myself. I have to tell you I am quite interested in knowing more about our future family members. I never thought it would happen. We were prepared to live with just each other for the rest of time."

"Well, how much do you want to know ?? I am afraid if I tell you everything.... Things will not happen the way they should"

"Sounds right to me.... "

Maria said, Noor nodded, grimacing a little.

"I can understand if you don't want to go in details. How about you tell me as much as you are comfortable with ?? Let's start with Arthit..."

Knott suggested.

"Well, he will meet with a serious accident in few months"

"It will happen in late August. I have already seen it."

Maria sighed sadly. This was good and bad news to me. I was glad I was going to have more time with Arthit. Although, it was going to be hard to watch him get hurt.

"Arthit had told me that it was Dr. Noor who found him fatally hurt and took him to you, to change him. But now I think it was me who help Noor, to find Arthit that day..... to save him.... to change him"

I frowned. Part of me was still suspicious on how much lies were there in Arthit's past.

"What is Arthit is like as a person ??"

Knott asked.

"Well, Arthit is really a nice person. He is very fierce and loyal for his family and friends. He is truly a kind hearted person and loves to help others. He is closest to you in the family "

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