Dr. Noor

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Kongpob's Pov---------

I wandered down slowly, taking in the house as I went. It was very charmingly decorated. I paused a few times taking in some of the paintings. The color scheme on the walls seemed warm and inviting at the same time.

I stopped outside the closed library door. I wasn’t sure if I should knock or not. I slowly pushed in the door and stepped in. Almost immediately, two figures to my left stood up from a table. One was Arthit and the other an older man probably in his fourties, he had thinning pale hair and blue eyes. He was also about three inches shorter and heavier set than Arthit.

“I am sorry. I did not mean to intrude, Maria told me where the library was. I did not know anyone would be in here.”

I started to ramble.

Arthit just looked at me, I saw his eyes travel up and down my body, checking me up in his clothes. I felt myself blush. The older male subtly elbowed Arthit and cleared his throat.

“My apologies, Mr. Suthiluck, this is Professor George William, Professor, this is Mr. Suthiluck”

Arthit’s ears turned a little red as he introduced us.

“Professor William”

I nodded my head to him. I saw Arthit smile, out of the corner of my eye.

“Mr. Suthiluck, it is a pleasure”

He smiled at me.

Arthit frowned looking at the older man.

“Kong, please feel welcome to any of the books in the library.”

Arthit turned back to me.

“Thank you, Arthit.”

I smiled at him then walked over to a large bookshelf.

Arthit and his professor sat back at the table and resumed what I am assuming was Arthit’s studies.

I started scanning the titles. On the top shelf was some hardcover books, I reached up and it was out of reach. I bit my lip and looked around, to find a stool or bench. I didn’t want to bother Arthit. Before I could turn completely around, Arthit was standing next to me.

“Would you like some help ??”

Arthit asked.

“Yes, please. Could you get those books down for me ??”

Arthit reached up and easily grabbed the hard covered books. He handed it to me, our fingers touched and then sparks traveled from my hand to my arm.

“Thank you”

I looked up at him, Our eyes connected and my heart rate started to pick up.

“You are most welcome”

Arthit said softly. He turned away and ran a hand through his hair as he joined his teacher again.

I found a chair on the opposite side of the room. I sat in it and opened the book to read.

As I read I could feel eyes on me. A few times, I would look up to catch Arthit’s eye. I would smile and go back to reading. After about the third time, I discreetly got up and left the room. I didn’t want to get Arthit in trouble for not paying attention. I found it amusing and enjoyable that he was watching me.

Although, in a way it made me miss Arthit from my time more. I would do anything for him, so if I was here to ensure Noor and Knott changes him, so be it. I briefly wondered if Arthit in the future, remember, we met during this time. I wondered why he never said anything. 

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