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Arthit's POV------

It had been a very long night, with nothing concrete to show for it. I wanted to be out searching for my heart, for My Mate.....Kongpob. But instead I had to be the contact person for 'Guardian Angels' with the police. I had to let my team look for leads as to his whereabouts. I had to wait and..... I hated waiting.

The police had arrived, and a bright spot was the fact that Mike Wallon was the detective in charge of the squad. He is the one that had given our number to May and Kongpob in the first place.

If I had had to choose a favorite human, prior to meeting Kongpob, Mike would have been at the top of my list, along with Angela. He was a tenacious man who wanted to write SOLVED on the cases that came across his desk. Mike didn’t rest, it was like he didn’t sleep while a case was going hot. I always thought that he would have made a great vampire.... for our team, of course.

He had also asked me out at one point, but hadn’t taken it too badly when I turned him down.

I quickly filled him in, on where things stood. He had people taking statements from the musicians, but I already knew that they weren’t going to find any further info from them. We knew who had taken Kongpob, now we only needed to find out where ?? He also had a team at the area where Kongpob had been shot. I couldn’t tell him how I knew that there was blood and that it was Kongpob’s, but I had told him about hearing the gunshot.

Mike took Maya into custody as an accomplice to kidnapping. She also admitted to vandalizing May’s house and stalking Kongpob, with intent to kidnap. Knott’s influence made her very forthcoming, He always has this special power of making people feel easy and submitting, infront him. I felt sorry for the cops in the squad car that would take her to the police station. Once she was away from Knott, I knew that she was going to become a screaming banshee.

We had gotten her mother’s number from her cell before Mike took that, as evidence. Maybe we could use that somehow, As we couldn't track Kongpob, with the tracker devices Bright had put into his phone and wrist watch, because Kongpob wasn't carrying any of those with him at the moment. I was surprised that Maya's mother hadn’t called her yet. Had she cut her off ?? I just didn’t know.

I hated not knowing.

After assuring Mike that we would be in touch with any information that we turned up, we had gone back to our house to wait for Bright and Jenny. We were all hoping that they could find some information to help us, at Maya’s house. We would let Mike know, after we had Kongpob back.

Waiting....... I hated waiting.

So many thoughts and fears were racing through my head, as they had been from the moment I knew that he was gone........ I had screwed up so badly. I should have known, somehow, that there were two of them, working in this stalking scenario, I should have realised it when I felt that the Stalker's scent had something missing. I should have known just how far they were willing to take the scene, after witnessing the mess at May's house.

I was worried sick for Kongpob....

How badly he had been hurt ??

Was Lilly going to hurt him further, when she realised that her daughter had been arrested ??

I sat on the couch and closed my eyes, I wanted to be close to Kongpob..... To smell his wonderful scent, to hold his warm body in my arms, to feel the rhythm of his heartbeat against my chest. I tried to reach to him by shutting my mind off, from everything around me...... I tried to look for my mate with the help of our mating pull.

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