In Present....

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Arthit's POV------

Year : 2022--

I was pacing in the corridor, outside the opretion room at City hospital. Dr. Suppasit and his team was operating on my Mate.... Again

I ended up failing Kongpob once again. I failed to save him though I promised to do so.... That crazy girl was able to hurt him, more badly than her mother. He was hurt just mere feets away from me... And I was unable to stop that accident. All my supernatural powers are of no use, when the most important person in my life, needed them.

I felt useless...

In my mind, I played over and over memories with Kong in them. It was the only thing, keeping me sane right now. Some of my favorites were in Oregon, our special place. There was one part of me that tells me to find Maya and punish her for hurting my mate. But, the other part tells me I am being ruled by my emotions.... Of taking revenge, that Kong needs me beside him the most right now. He will need me here... when he will open his eyes.

In my mind I recall the first time we reached at Oregon, driving in his car towards his house.

Suddenly...... the scene shifts.....

It seems to be a memory from when I was human. I was running to home from the park where I had been playing football with some of my friends. Out of nowhere, a young boy appeared infront of me  and we run into each other, sending him crashing to the ground.

I saw myself looking down at....  KONGPOB.... Yet, at the same time, I didn’t know it was Kongpob. At least the human Arthit didn't know him.

How can this be ?? Did I meet a relative of Kongpob’s in my human days and just never knew ??

When my human self was able to get Kongpob conscious again, he was very confused, looking around almost panicked. I recalled him asking me where he was. When I responded, I saw my Kong’s eyes go wide. His first reaction was to look down at himself and all around again. He seemed nervous to ask me the date.

At that time, I thought the poor boy had hit his head too hard. Now that I look at the scene... I see it in a  different way.

Could it be possible ??

Did my Kong somehow travel back in time ?? and if he did...

HOW ??

Seeing these memories for the first time was confusing. Even though I didn’t remember them happening, they seemed real, like it really did happen to me. I was seeing everything in two points-of-view... 

* One as my human self worried for this poor boy I ran into.

* The second as my current self already knowing Kong and seeing the situation in a different light.

My heart clenched as I saw Kong pass out again as he became overwhelmed. My past self seemed equally worried as he picked him up and ran, the best he could, for home. Somehow my past self felt this connection to him already, as he just about refused to let him go again. I could see myself pacing outside his room waiting for him to wake up. Also, the memory of my father waking me up, when I fell asleep against his door.

When he finally woke up, he did confirm that he was definitely my Kongpob from current times.

First... when he introduced himself to my mother and me as Kongpob Suthiluck. The second way he confirmed it, by how he was looking for Dr. Noor, calling her, his family.

So, that boy being a relative of Kongpob’s dropped from the possibilities. My poor Kong also looked confused and guilty as he was telling his story. I remembered at the time I felt bad for his situation, but also something seemed off. Now I understood why ?? Of course, Kongpob had to lie. It wasn’t like he could say I am from the future. That explained why he didn’t have anything ( any belongings) with him too.

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